Wulura isrs old,ere brothers. thevade himself an1 the giaomesi aeation2 they lithe yathethe two giantstwo giants lived in the altai mountains in kazakhstan. they were brotheryounger brother loved music and singing, so one day he made himeinstrument out of wood. he gave it a long neck and two strings. he playednew instrument all day and sang. it made him very happy.the older brother didn't like music. he wanted to be famous. he decidesbuild an enormous stone bridge across the big river. it was a fastdangerous river and no one could cross it."my bridge can make me famous," he thought. so he started to build.it was hard work, but he was strong. he carried many heavy stones from themountain to the river, but his younger brother didn't help him. he didn't wantto be famous. he only wanted to play his instrument and sing.the older brother became very angry."you never help me! " he shouted. "you only play your silly music all day long! "he snatched the instrument from his brother's hands and smashed it against arock. he hit the rock so hard that you could see the instrument's shape on thesurface. the beautiful instrument broke. the younger brother was so sad thathe never played music or sang again.years passed, until one day, some people found the shape on the rock. theyused it to make a musical instrument. they called it a 'dombra' and they usedit to play the wonderful music of the steppe.5 he6 thebec1 th18 seперевидите
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