Концепция, безусловно, хороший, как современной авиаперелетов такой хорошей мишенью для сатиры. Существует несколько хороших персонажей действующих и большие, тоже, как и грубые проверки в девушек. Мелодия и Кили, то пафосно авиакомпания стюардесса, Пенни, и ксенофобские иммиграционной службы, Ян ног. Существует реальная псевдодокументальный чувствую, тоже с голоса за кадром и персонажи говорили непосредственно к камере. Қазіргі заманғы әуе саяхат сатира үшін осындай жақсы мақсатты болып табылады тұжырымдамасы, әрине жақсы бірі болып табылады. Дөрекі тексеру-қыздар сияқты тым кейбір жақсы актерлік және үлкен кейіпкерлері, бар. Әуен және Keeley, снобистским әуе стюардесса, Пенни және ксенофобиялық иммиграциялық ресми, Ян Foot. Нақты mockumentary сезімін камера тікелей сөйлесіп войсоверов және кейіпкерлері бар, тым, бар
1. They are still arguing. They have beeen arguing already for two hours. 2. She is still sleeping. She's been sleeping already for two hours. 3. She is still doing his homework. He has been doing his homework already for three hours. 4. The boys are still playing football. They have been playing football for fourty minutes already. 5. They girls are still changing. They've been changing already for half an hour. 6. She still learns Spanish. She has been learning Spanish already for two years. 7. They still live in the countryside. They have been living in the countryside already for four months. 8. She is still talking on the phone. She has been talking on the phone for twenty minutes already. 9. My brother is still solving this difficult task. He has been solving this task already for half an hour. 10. She is still writing a letter to her granny. She has been writing a letter to her granny already for an hour. 11. They are still catching the fish. They've been catching the fish already for five hours. 12. Grandparents are still playing lotto. They have been playing lotto already for two hours. 13. The actors are still rehearsing this scene. They have been rehearsing this scene already for three hours. 14. The children are still running in the yard. They have been running in the yard already for three hours. 15. He is still writing his new book. He has been writing his new book already for two years. 16. He is still learning Hamlet's soliloquy. He has been learning Hamlet's soliloquy already for two days. 17. We are still repairing our flat. We have been repairing our flat already for half a month.
2. She is still sleeping. She's been sleeping already for two hours.
3. She is still doing his homework. He has been doing his homework already for three hours.
4. The boys are still playing football. They have been playing football for fourty minutes already.
5. They girls are still changing. They've been changing already for half an hour.
6. She still learns Spanish. She has been learning Spanish already for two years.
7. They still live in the countryside. They have been living in the countryside already for four months.
8. She is still talking on the phone. She has been talking on the phone for twenty minutes already.
9. My brother is still solving this difficult task. He has been solving this task already for half an hour.
10. She is still writing a letter to her granny. She has been writing a letter to her granny already for an hour.
11. They are still catching the fish. They've been catching the fish already for five hours.
12. Grandparents are still playing lotto. They have been playing lotto already for two hours.
13. The actors are still rehearsing this scene. They have been rehearsing this scene already for three hours.
14. The children are still running in the yard. They have been running in the yard already for three hours.
15. He is still writing his new book. He has been writing his new book already for two years.
16. He is still learning Hamlet's soliloquy. He has been learning Hamlet's soliloquy already for two days.
17. We are still repairing our flat. We have been repairing our flat already for half a month.