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я учусь в институте , у меня испыт , осталось 39 мин
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. about
b. for
c. to
d. in
2There milk in the fridge.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. are some
b. is a
c. is some
3… voluntary work?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. Do you mind do voluntary work?
b. Are you mind doing voluntary work?
c. Do you mind doing voluntary work?
d. Do you mind to do voluntary work?
4My car broke down … home.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. My car broke down on the way home.
b. My car broke down on the way to home.
c. My car broke down in the way home.
d. My car broke down in the way to home.
5I promise I’ll call you as soon as .
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. I’ll arrive
b. I arrive
c. I arrived
6Kharkiv…of Ukraine.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. Kharkiv is in the West of Ukraine.
b. Kharkiv is at the East of Ukraine.
c. Kharkiv is on the East of Ukraine.
d. Kharkiv is in the East of Ukraine.
7The car… the traffic lights now.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. The car waiting in the traffic lights now.
b. The car is waiting on the traffic lights now.
c. The car is wait at the traffic lights now.
d. The car is waiting at the traffic lights now.
8She … constantly … to class late.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. She is constantly coming to class late.
b. She is constantly come to class late.
c. She is constantly came to class late.
d. She constantly coming to class late.
9If you me, what would you do?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. have been
b. would be
c. were
d. was
10They … new things, … they?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. They are keen on learning new things, aren’t they?
b. They are keen learning new things, aren’t they?
c. They are keen on learning new things, don’t they?
d. They keen on learning new things, aren’t they?
11She can’t stand … Saturdays and Sundays.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. She can’t stand spending time at her own on Saturdays and Sundays.
b. She can’t stand spending time on her own on Saturdays and Sundays.
c. She can’t stand spending time on her own in Saturdays and Sundays.
d. She can’t stand to spend time on her own on Saturdays and Sundays.
12When … you … Kyiv?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. When did you arrive in Kyiv?
b. When did you arrive at Kyiv?
c. When did you arrive to Kyiv?
d. When did you arrived in Kyiv?
13We had a good meal … a restaurant and then we went back … the hotel.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. We had a good meal to a restaurant and then we went back to the hotel.
b. We had a good meal at a restaurant and then we went back in the hotel.
c. We had a good meal at a restaurant and then we went back at the hotel.
d. We had a good meal at a restaurant and then we went back to the hotel.
14Why on earth isn’t Josh here yet? for him for over an hour!
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. I’m waiting
b. I’ve waited
c. I’ve been waiting
15In the 1960s, computers were expensive that ordinary people couldn’t afford them.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. such
b. too
c. so
16Harry his father’s car when the accident happened.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. was driving
b. drove
c. had driven
d. has been driving
17What did you … university? – I didn’t … university.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. What did you studied at university? – I didn’t go to university.
b. What did you study at university? – I didn’t go at university.
c. What did you study at university? – I didn’t go to university.
d. What did you study in university? – I didn’t go at university.
18… he … school or … home yesterday?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. Was he in school or home yesterday?
b. Was he at school or at home yesterday?
c. Did he on school or at home yesterday?
d. Did he at school or at home yesterday?
19… you hungry? – No, I had a meal … the train.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. Do you hungry? – No, I had a meal on the train.
b. Is you hungry? – No, I had a meal on the train.
c. Are you hungry? – No, I had a meal on the train.
d. Are you hungry? – No, I had a meal in the train.
20Criminals are people who are guilty of the law.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. cheating
b. breaking
c. committing

Показать ответ
Two years ago I was on my way to spend the holidays with my fiance who lived in Boston at the time. . I felt really tired beacause I was to a party the night before. At the airport, I ran into a colleague who was on her way to Buffalo. She told me that she arrived there the previous day and that no fligths took off since Thursday because of the snowstorms. It looked like nwe would have to wait a long time. We could not do any shopping because most of the stores closed early owing to a lack of personnel. My co-worker had a classical guitar with her and I took signing lessons before I (abandoned) the idea of becoming an American Maria Callas. The people around us looked really fed up so we decided to give an improvised concert to cheer up all the passengers who missed their flights.This lasted for about three-quarters of an hour and then we heared that the ground staff cleared the runway and everybody could finally check in. Then, to my honor, I suddenly remembered - I lived my passport on the kitchen table. I puted it there so I would not forget it.So I went back home and made myself a lonely dinner and talked for hours with my fiance on the phone. It was by far the worst holiday I ever spent.
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28.08.2021 21:10
A person i admire is andrea bocelli. he was born on the 22nd of september in 1958. in lajatiko in italy. now he is 57. andrea bocelli is a singer. he had eye's problems since childhood. he became blind at the age of 12 after football ball had got into his head.he has a son at the age of 18 and a daughter who is only 3. at the moment he gives concerts all around the world. i admire the person because he resisted to all his difficulties and continued doing his favourite thing which is singing. now he he is known in all the world
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