As lots of people know, sport is one of the most important things which improving our health and making us stronger. people, who want to become better, do their best to win others, and receive lots of respect from other people. here are some examples of people, who worked hard to become different from other people.
*примеры с казахскими спортсменами*
These people are shocked, everyone with their unusual power and skills. They making people believe in their abilities and ruining all the stereotypes.
1а.This is necessary not only in order not to get sick, But also in order for our consciousness to work much better and in order to be a happy person with increased vitality.Exercise, eat right, and avoid bad people or situations to avoid stress. 1c.Because you can study or work properly.Doing morning exercise, eat healthy food and sleeping 8-9 hours a day.Перевод: 1a.Это необходимо не только для того, чтобы не заболеть, но и для того, чтобы наше сознание работало намного лучше и чтобы быть счастливым человеком с повышенной жизненной силой.Занимайтесь спортом, правильно питайтесь и избегайте плохих людей или ситуаций, чтобы избежать стресса. 1c.Потому что вы можете учиться или работать должным образом.Занимаясь утренней зарядкой, питаясь здоровой пищей и спать по 8-9 часов в день
As lots of people know, sport is one of the most important things which improving our health and making us stronger. people, who want to become better, do their best to win others, and receive lots of respect from other people. here are some examples of people, who worked hard to become different from other people.
*примеры с казахскими спортсменами*
These people are shocked, everyone with their unusual power and skills. They making people believe in their abilities and ruining all the stereotypes.