You are going to read a series of texts about computers. Which of these would you be interested in reading about?
the history of computers
computers in space
the world's smallest computers
the dangers of using computers
hackers computer thieves)
how to use a computer
data storage methods
Batman and Spider-Man - that's it. The most popular and most classic of the classic superheroes
Собственно, Супермен мне не очень нравится. Он какой-то слишком плоский, двумерный. Он обладает суперсилой, суперобонянием, суперзрением, ему легко замочить всех - это неинтересно. В саге про Супермена мало интриги, так сказать.
Бэтмен и Человек-Паук - вот это да. Популярнейшие и самые классические из классических супергероев
1) Did Arthur Conan Doyle write poems?
No, he didn't. He wrote romances, adventure and detective stories and historical novels.
2) Was Agatha Christie a famous writer?
Yes, she was. Agatha Christie was a famous writer.
3) What did Arthur Conan Doyle study?
He studied medicine at Edinburgh University.
4) What did Jules Verne do when he was 12?
He tried to run away on a ship to the West Indies when he was 12.
5) Which characters did Jules Verne create?
He created a lot of characters: Captain Nemo, Captain Grant, Jacques Paganel and others.
6) Where was Agatha Christie born?
She was born in Devon, England in 1890.