This text is about a biologist and conservationist Roger Payne. He discovered that whales sing and their songs can be heard across entire oceans.
Before he studied whales he had become an expert in animal acoustics. In 1967 Roger went to Bermuda where he met Frank Watlington. Frank told Roger about strange sounds that he had heard underwater. Frank thought the noises were coming from whales.
After that Payne and his colleague Scott McVay found out that the sounds were whales' songs which could travel across entire oceans. It happened at the time when hunters killed thousands of whales. Roger Payne released a recording of whale songs and it helped to start the 'Save the Whales' movement. In 1986 commercial whaling was banned.
Payne still is busy studying and protecting whales.
Уэльс - индустриальная страна. Здесь нет больших городов, не ожидают Кардифф, его столица. Вам нужен паспорт, чтобы путешествовать из Англии в Уэльс. Жители Уэльса говорят на двух языках (английском и валлийском), особенно на юге. Английский язык преподается в школах, валлийский - нет, думал, что два языка очень похожи. Английский могут легко понять Жители Уэльса. Кардифф - сельскохозяйственный город. Пейзаж в Уэльсе живописный и дикий, особенно на юге. Несколько гор есть здесь, которые являются довольно низкими и неопасными. Альпинисты редко посещают эти места. Гора Сноудон, расположенный в Уэльсе, является самой высокой горой в Британии. Уэльс - это земля долин, ручьев и водопадов.
This text is about a biologist and conservationist Roger Payne. He discovered that whales sing and their songs can be heard across entire oceans.
Before he studied whales he had become an expert in animal acoustics. In 1967 Roger went to Bermuda where he met Frank Watlington. Frank told Roger about strange sounds that he had heard underwater. Frank thought the noises were coming from whales.
After that Payne and his colleague Scott McVay found out that the sounds were whales' songs which could travel across entire oceans. It happened at the time when hunters killed thousands of whales. Roger Payne released a recording of whale songs and it helped to start the 'Save the Whales' movement. In 1986 commercial whaling was banned.
Payne still is busy studying and protecting whales.