You should try and be regular and not skip the dose water intake you must always drink lots of water to drain out waste substances from your system and keep the body hydrated always healthy diet follow a healthy diet and eat green leafy vegetables instead of the harmful junk that you take in the real strength lies in green veggies so start taking them to keep yourself fit exercise keep your body in shape and keep it healthy by exercising on daily basis it does not take much of your time and also helps stay active side effects radiant farms keto is made from only naturally extracted ingredients and not by any harmful chemicals which distinguishes it from various other health supplements present in the market the ingredients first researched and studied well before actually using them to make the final weight loss supplement it is duly tested before making it available in the market .
2.Mike has a collection of old coins
3.What is the capital of England
1.Stamp-неодушевлённое существительное в единственном числе.Поэтому ставиться-а.
2.Collection-тот же самый принцип что м в первом.Of_old coins-не ставиться никакой артикль,т.к соins(монеты) во множественном числе.
3.Здесь уже указано столицу какой страны,т.е определённая столица и ставиться the. Of_England-не ставиться,потому что Анлгия это имя собственное.И перед собственными именами не ставиться артикль