"Good morning" is a TV programme for children. It begins at 7 o'clock every morning. Children watch it when they wake up. The presenter of the programmу shows how to make morning exercises. Children also listen to music or an interesting story. The presenter always tells them something new. The presenter tells about children from other countries, about rear animals and exiting adventures. The presenter gives advice what to read, what to watch and how to behave. It is a very interesting useful programme.
The kazakh people are rich in traditions. nowadays many interesting traditions and customs of the kaxakh people have been forgotten. nauryz ( islamic new year) is one of the biggest holidays in central asia. guests are hosted in beautiful yurts. the traditional nauryz kozhe dish made of seven traditional ingredients. people this day forgive each other's debts and offences. у казахского народа много традиций. в наши дни много интересных традиции и обычаев забыты. наурыз- праздник (новый год в исламе) один из больших праздников в центральной азии. гости распологаются в красивых юртах и угощаются традиционным блюдом наурыз -коже,приготовленным из семи ингредиентов. люди в эти дни прощают друг другу старые долги и обиды.
"Good morning" is a TV programme for children. It begins at 7 o'clock every morning. Children watch it when they wake up. The presenter of the programmу shows how to make morning exercises. Children also listen to music or an interesting story. The presenter always tells them something new. The presenter tells about children from other countries, about rear animals and exiting adventures. The presenter gives advice what to read, what to watch and how to behave. It is a very interesting useful programme.