Задание №1. Аудирование три высказывания о домашних питомцах. Соотнесите их содержание с утверждениями четы¬рёх школьников. Одно утверждение лишнее. Определите, как зовут каждого из говоря¬щих и заполните таблицу. Вы услышите запись два раза.
Michael thinks it’s difficult to have this pet.
Rachel wants to have a different pet.
Steven has a lot of different pets.
Frank speaks about an excellent pet.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Задание № 2.
Дополните предложения верными словами а, b или с.
1) I like . These cute little birds sing so well.
a) Hamsters b) budgies c) canaries
2) I my goldfish in a fishbowl.
a) Have b) take c) keep
3) Sally is very proud her collection of books.
a) About b) of c) for
4) When people feel , they are sad.
a) Happy b) happily c) unhappy
5) It’s bad if people on the grass in big parks.
a) Go b) walk c) come
6) How often do you go to the theatre? - a month.
a) Two b) twice c) second
7) My parents are real theatre- . They are very fond of theatre.
a) visitors b) walkers c) goers
8) Some people postcards.
a) Collect b) collection c) keep
9) Little Susan likes drawing pencil.
a) In b) with c) by
10) Have you got any time?
a) Free b) spend c) enjoy
Задание № 3. Закончите разделительные во Задание № 4. Соотнесите во предложения с типом во Специальный во Разделительный во Общий во Альтернативный во Задание № 5. ответьте на во Напишите полный, развернутый ответ на во
1. It's rude to eat with your mouth open.
2. Are you absolutely certain about doing it?
3. I am addicted to watching sports on TV, but I'm not really into playing!
4. Study immediately before going to sleep. You'll remember a lot more the next day.
5. We were unlucky to lose the game, we deserved to win.
6. I don't mind being alone, but it's better to be with other people.
7. What you don't want to remember, you forget (?)
8. Playing games is a fun way of improving your memory skills.
9. Experts say that it is pretty dangerous to do bungee jumping.
10. Most people are worried about losing their job, so they're trying best at working.
11. I was really so surprised to see you. I was happy to come.
12. It is impossible to succeed, if you are not ready to work hard.