Задание 1. Образуйте форму множественного числа следующих существительных и распределите их по соответствующим колонкам таблицы, учитывая произношение окончаний этих существительных во множественном числе. Сliff, brush, song, room, bath, spot, pen, rose, record, baby, church, book, fox, meal, proof, bridge, potato, boy, mirage, cat, nose, peach, girl, bus, fork, desk, shirt, class.
[ s ] [ iz ] [ z ]
cliffs …… ……
B) solve
C) is solving
D) would solve
2. We hope that they … this problem
A) will solve
B) solve
C) is solving
D) would solve
3. They say that the ozone layer … gradually.
A) is destructing
B) destruct
C) was destructing
D) destructed
4. They say that the ozone layer … by people’s activities.
A) is destructing
B) destruct
C) was destructing
D) is destructed
5. They were sure that those pesticides … the soil.
A) were ruined
B) ruined
C) ruin
D) are ruining
6. They consider that those pesticides … the soil.
A) were ruined
B) ruined
C) ruin
D) are ruining
8. They are afraid that those fertilizers … the soil.
A) would damage
B) damage
C) are damaging
D) damages
9. The scientists told them that the reproductive cells …
A) had been destructed
B) will destruct
C) would destruct
D) are destructed
10. The scientists warn them that the reproductive cells …
A) had been destructed
B) will destruct
C) destruct
D) will be destructed
11. Do you know … capital of …Hungary?
A) the ; -
B) the ; he
C) a; a
D) a; the
13. Until the middle of the 19 century was used as a prison.
A) Great Britain
B) Australia
C) Canada
D) Russia