Задание№1. Составьте предложения, используя одну фразу из каждой колонки.
Предложения запишите в тетрадь и переведите на русский язык
The street lamps widened
The streets built next year
Trees and flowers will be painted
A fountain planted next month
The bus stop will be put up
The old houses pulled down tomorrow
The shops rebuilt
The holes on the roads repaired next week
The benches modernized
Задание№2. Внимательно изучите грамматический материал, приведенный . Составьте и запишите во предложения со словами, приведенными в скобках
1. This house will be sold soon. (When?)
2. A lot of money will be spent on rebuilding the house. (How much money?).
3. All the winners will be given prizes. (What prizes?)
4. The parents will be sent invitations to the party. (Why?)
5. The tickets will be bought for all of us. (When?)
6. The pupils will be met at the station. (By whom?)
7. They will be shown a lot of places of interest. (What places?)
8. Then they will be taken for lunch? (Where?)
Задание№3. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в утвердительную форму The Future Simple Passive. Предложения переведите и запишите в тетрадь.
1. Her son (to send) away to school.
2. Our horses (to take) to the stable.
3. The contract (to sign) by the manager tomorrow.
4. I (to give) a job by the boss.
5. Credit cards (to accept).
6. The wedding ring (to find).
7. The ball (to kick) by this team.
8. The bin (to empty).
9. The work (to finish) soon.
10. Breakfast (to serve) between 8 and 11 a.m.
1. Moreover, every town has gyms and parks which are equipped with running trucks and other facilities. 2. Undoubtedly, all people long to be healthy. However, most of them admit that following a healthy way of life is quite difficult, while others claim that there is nothing problematic about it. 3. Thirdly, the beneficial effects of healthy way of life can be seen only after several months or even years of following it. Therefore, people are demotivated and give up. 4. Despite the above-mentioned arguments, I cannot agree with the opposite point of view. Healthy food is overpriced, especially if it is organic or GMO-free, and not everyone can afford it. Regarding different sports facilities, one should have enough time to exercise but most people are too busy. 5. In conclusion, I would like to say that following a healthy lifestyle requires too much time, money and energy, that is why it is rather arduous for most people. 6. In my view, it is rather hard to lead a healthy life style. Firstly, the pace of the modern life does not let people have a good eight-hour. sleep, so they sleep too little, and thus have no energy to exercise or count calories. 7. Nevertheless, other people believe that keeping feet is quite easy today because everyone can find plenty of. shops selling specially grown healthy food. 8. Secondly, there are too many temptations around, like fast food or various desserts. , and they. are hard to resist, because it requires a lot of effort and strong willpower, which not everyone has..
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