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Английский язык
Қазақ тiлi

Задание 1:Употребите нужную форму глагола, выбрав правильный вариант: 1. Ann ……. traveling by air.​
a) doesn’t like b) won’t like c) don’t like d) hasn’t like
2. Look! He …….. a boarding pass.
a) get b) gets c) are getting d) is getting
3. They… in London last year.
a) was b)were c) is d)are
4 Registration ……two hours ago.
a) will begin b) begin c) begins d) began
5. The plane …. 20 minutes ago.
a) didn’t landed b)didn’t land c)don’t land d)won’t land
6.The applicant….already the names of two referees.
a) has given b) have given c) gave d) will give
7. He at the conference next week.
a) speaks b)speak c) spoke d) will speak
8. Plastic cards…...by a lot of shops in England.
a) are accepted b)is accepted c) be accepted d) accept

Задание 2:Употребите нужный модальный глагол:
…I try this dress on?
a) can b) may с) must d)would
Задание 3:Употребите нужное местоимение:
Moscow is famous for historic sights.
a) her b) your c) its d) his

Задание 4:Употребите правильное неопределенное местоимение:
I made ___ mistakes in my test.
a) some b)little c) much d) any
a) expensive b) more expensive c)the most expensive d) expensive
Задание 8:Выберите слово, которое НЕ относится к теме «Telephoning»:
a) to go b) to answer с)to speak d)to wait
Задание 9:Составьте словосочетания из указанных слов:
1) to undergo
a) economy class
2) to make
b) tickets
3) to keep
c) formalities
4) to pay
d) a call
5 to travel
e) for excess luggage

Задание 10:Соедините реплики диалога в логической последовательности:

1) Good evening, sir. Can I help you?
a) Yes, I’ve got it here ... Here it is.
2) What’s your name, please?
b) Certainly..
3) Have you got our letter of confirmation?
c) No, I haven’t got it here. It’s in my case.
4) Oh! Yes. Mr. Snow. A single room with bath. Have you got your passport, please?
d) Good evening. You have a reservation in my name.
5) That’s all right. Now you should fill in this form.
f) Snow.
Задание 11:Из двух вариантов выберите верный:
1.(Be/Don’t be) late for the interview!
2.(Write/Don’t write) incorrect information on your CV to make it look better!
3.(Listen/Don’t listen) to the questions asked attentively!
Задание 12:Выберите соответствия между английскими словами и их русскими
1) Good evening.
2) I'm late I'm afraid.
b) Ничего, все в порядке.
3) I do apologise.
c) Добрый вечер.
4) That's all right.
d) Я, кажется, опоздал.
5) Follow me, please.
e) Вам нравится этот столик?
6) The head waiter comes up to them.
f) По-моему, вполне нормальный (столик).
7) The head waiter offers them one of the vacant tables.
g) Проходите за мной.
8) Do you like this table?
h) К ним подходит метрдотель.
9) It looks all right.
i) Метрдотель предлагает им один из свободных столиков.
Задание 13:Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:
Mr. Lopez is checking in the Plaza Hotel. He is speaking to . He has got a letter of confirmation of the hotel. They have got in his name. He fills in .
a) the form b) a reservation c) the receptionist
Задание 14:Определите верны ли следующие предложения. Обозначьте T(true) номер предложения, если утверждение верно и F(false) номер предложения, если неверно:
1. Resumes as well as application forms require the names of five references.
2. Economics is a science and a part of our everyday life.
3. Londoners call their underground train network "the tube".
Задание 15: Преобразуйте предложения с прямой речью в предложения с косвенной речью.
1. Ann said:”My friend is arriving tomorrow.”
2.”Do you speak English?” the officer asked me.

Показать ответ
14.06.2022 20:49

1)- I am lookig for Jack. Do you know where he is?

- No, I do not know

2)Ann speaks German very well.

3)She got up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

4)Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner.

5)Jane was waiting for me when I arrived.

6)Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

7)Jane does not drink tea very often.

8)It is getting dark. Shall I turn on the light?

9)The swimming pool is opened at 9 o’clock and closed at 18 o’clock every day.

10)The earth goes round the sun.

11)– How did you learn to drive?

- My father taught me.

12) It was warm yesterday, so I took a coat.

13) We were seeing an accident while we were going to hospital yesterday.

14) – What was you doing this time yesterday?

- I was sleeping.

15) Where did your mother live last year?

16) What time are banks closed in Britain?

17) Jill is interested in politics but she does not belong to a political party.

18) He came from London three years ago.

19) Mary, don’t take this book, John is reading it.

20) His parents did not be great persons of the latest century.

21) I speak very loudly. Do You hear me?

22) She was a doctor in 1941 when the war begun.

23) Yesterday while Ann was cooking she cut her finger.

24) When we woke up the wind was blewing, the sun was shining through the clouds.

25) This time last month I sat on a beach.

26) My sister usually reads a book after dinner.

27) She was studying French last semester, this semester is studying English.

28) The moment she was speaking I recognized her voice.

29) Mrs Brown sometimes knits but she does not knit tonight.

30) I always look for the key because nobody ever puts it back on its place.

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22.07.2020 14:26

My friend's room is very light and large. There is a sofa on the right. Next to the sofa there is a yellow nightstand. You can see a vase with flowers on her dresser. On the left side of the dresser there is a window. And next to the window there is her desk where she does her homework. Of course,  she has a computer desk with her new net-book which connected to Internet. Along the long wall of my friend's room there is a book-case with many shelves for books and CD-disks. There are some posters with her favorite pop-singers on the walls. And in the middle of the room there is a colorful carpet. 

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