Задание 1. Вставьте many, much, few или little. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. He has got … friends. 2. The pupils of our class ask so … questions at the lesson. They want to know everything. 3. My brother says I eat too … French fries and drink too … beer. 4. There is not too …space in the flat. 5. I drink … coffee. I don’t like it. 6. You don’t make … mistakes in your spelling. Dou you work hard on it? – Oh, yes, I work very … . 7.You ate so.. dessert that you are in bed today with a stomachache. 8. I have … time, so I can’t go with you. 9. There is so… traffic on the roads today. I’m very glad. 10. There is ..juice in your glass. Have you got any juice? 11. That man drank so…wine, and he smoked so …cigarettes that he has a terrible headache today. 12. He has got … English books. 13. He is lazy. He has done very…today. 14. Mary mustn’t eat so … food, because she has a weight problem.15. Very …people can afford to own a plane.
Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного, и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. He clearly didn’t like the explanation, and he listened to it, and he became (angry) and (angry). 2. She is not so (busy) as I am. 3. I need a (warm) dress. 4.The cinema in our town is much (big) than the old one. 5. Today the streets aren’t as (clean) as they used to be. 6. My sister is the (small) girl in the class. 7. This good-looking girl is the (good) student of our university. 8. The Alps are (high) than the Urals. 9. Which building is the (beautiful) in Taganrog? 10. Max is a (good) pupil than Mike. 11. He left as (strong) as his father. 12. He was one of the (experienced) teachers in our college. 13. That’s the (funny) story I’ve ever heard. 14. This pupil is the (attentive) in your group.
Задание 3. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, may, must или need. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. By the end of the week I … have finished writing my book. 2. Don’t worry! I … change a light bulb. 3. Everything is clear and you … not go into detail now. 4. … I take your book? – Yes, please. 5. We … not go out today: it’s windy today. 6. … you pronounce this sound? 7. The drivers … not drink alcohol when they drive. 8. – Mum. you … not have bought the meat: we have everything for supper. 9. We ..not carry the bookcase upstairs ourselves: the workers will come and do it. 10. Shall I write a letter to her? – No, you … not, it isn’t necessary.
1) what will happen at the next lesson?
2) a) when will teacher explain the new grammar rule?
what will teacher do at the next lesson?
б) who will explain the new grammar rule at the next lesson?
1) what will happen in some years?
2)a) when will we become good teachers?
What (kind of)teachers will we be in some years?
б) who will become good teachers in some years?
1) what sometimes happened at 5 o'clock?
2)a)what did your friend sometimes do at 5 o'clock?
When did your friend finished work sometimes?
б) who sometimes finished work at 5 o'clock?
1)what will happen today?
Or what happens today?
2) a)how many lectures do you have today on history?
On which subject do you have three lectures today?
When do you have three lectures on history?
б) What will you have today on history?
1) what can say about your English lesson?
2) a) how many hours does your English lesson offer last?
Whose English lesson offer lasts two hours?
б) what does last for two hours?
Однажды старик говорит своей жене: “Испеки мне колобок”. Старуха берет муку, сметану, масло, воду и печет колобок. Она кладет его на подоконник остывать.
But the bun cannot sit on the windowsill! It jumps from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door, and runs away.
Но колобку не сидится на подоконнике. Спрыгивает он с подоконника на скамейку, со скамейки на пол, а там и до двери, и убегает.
The bun runs along the road and meets a hare. “Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!” says the hare. “I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother. And I can run away from you, little hare!” says the bun and runs away.
Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему заяц. “Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!”, говорит заяц. Колобок ему отвечает: “Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, и от тебя заяц убегу!” И убегает.
The bun runs along the road and meets a wolf. “Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!” says the wolf. “I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare. And I can run away from you, grey wolf!” says the bun and runs away.
Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему волк. “Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!”, говорит волк. Колобок ему отвечает: “Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, и от тебя серый волк убегу!” И убегает.
The bun runs along the road and meets a bear. “Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!” says the bear. “I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf. And I can run away from you, big bear!” says the bun again and runs away.
Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему медведь. “Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!”, говорит медведь. Колобок ему отвечает: “Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, я от волка ушел, и от тебя большой медведь убегу!” И убегает.
The bun runs along the road and meets a fox. “Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!” says the fox. “I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And I can run away from you, old fox!”
Бежит колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему лиса. “Колобок, колобок, я хочу тебя съесть!”, говорит лиса. Колобок ей отвечает: “Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел, я от зайца ушел, я от волка ушел, я от медведя ушел, и от тебя старая лиса убегу!”
“What a nice song!” says the fox. “But little bun, I’m old and I cannot hear you well. Sit on my nose and sing your song again.” The bun jumps on the fox’s nose and … the fox eats it!
“Какая красивая песенка!”, говорит лиса. “Но, колобок, я стара и плохо тебя слышу. Сядь на мой нос, и спой свою песенку снова”. Прыгнул колобок лисе на нос… лиса его и съела!