Задание 1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя слова из колонки слева. ответ запишите в виде комбинации цифр и букв.
a) intend
b) make
c) built-in
d) to furnish
e) saves
f) design
g) decided
h) same
i) excellent
j) cheaper
1. Have you how many rooms you want?
2. We’ll to have children.
3. A third bedroom for the children when they grow too big to sleep in the room.
4. But won’t three bedrooms the house rather expensive?
5. Do you like furniture?
6. It’s an idea to have built-in furniture.
7. We built-in furniture for most of our houses.
8. It’s to have built-in furniture.
9. The built-in furniture space in the flat.
10. It will cost us mush less the house if the wardrobes are built-in.
1. Have you g) decided how many rooms you want?
2. We’ll a) intend to have children.
3. A third bedroom for the children when they grow too
big to sleep in the h) same room.
4. But won’t three bedrooms b) make the house rather expensive?
5. Do you like c) built-in furniture?
6. It’s an i) excellent idea to have built-in furniture.
7. We f) design built-in furniture for most of our houses.
8. It’s j) cheaper to have built-in furniture.
9. The built-in furniture e) saves space in the flat.
10. It will cost us mush less d) to furnish the house if the wardrobes are built-in.