Задание 12. Используя информацию, полученную во время вообра- жаемого путешествия Эрит (задание 11), составьте рассказ о движении
крови по организму.
1. The blood flow starts from
2. It goes through
3. The blood carries
4. In the capillaries
5. Now the blood carries
6. From the right side of the heart
7. In the lungs
8. From the lungs
9. Now the blood flow
текст: Hi, my name is Eryth. I am a red blood cell.
Let’s travel together through the body’s circulatory
П We are in one of the veins on our way to the
heart. I am tired and dreaming of fresh oxygen.
□ The arteries get narrower and narrower and
now we reach the capillaries, the tiny vessels
connecting arteries and veins.
□ At the moment we are in the left ventricle
of the heart and in a millisecond we’ll leave the
heart. Here we go!
D As you see, now I am not as red as I was at
the beginning of our journey. Oxygen and nutrients
are leaving me and waste products of the cells are
entering. I’ll carry them to the heart.
D We are moving very slowly through the
capillaries. Each capillary is about the size of a
single blood cell. And now follow me to the veins.
□ We are going along the arteries to the body
tissues. I am carrying oxygen and nutrients for them.
П Here in the lungs I am getting nice and clean
and picking up that lovely fresh oxygen. Now I am
ready for a long journey again. Bye-bye!
D At last we are going into the heart through a
valve and into the right auricle and then into the
right ventricle. The heart muscles are contracting
and we are pumped into the lungs.
2. It goes through
3. The blood carries
4. In the capillaries
5. Now the blood carries
6. From the right side of the heart
7. In the lungs
8. From the lungs
9. Now the blood flow
текст: Hi, my name is Eryth. I am a red blood cell.
Let’s travel together through the body’s circulatory
П We are in one of the veins on our way to the
heart. I am tired and dreaming of fresh oxygen.
□ The arteries get narrower and narrower and
now we reach the capillaries, the tiny vessels
connecting arteries and veins.
□ At the moment we are in the left ventricle
of the heart and in a millisecond we’ll leave the
heart. Here we go!
D As you see, now I am not as red as I was at
the beginning of our journey. Oxygen and nutrients
are leaving me and waste products of the cells are
entering. I’ll carry them to the heart.