Задание 12. Вставьте в предложения модальные глаголы в соответствующей форме. Пись- менно переведите предложения на русский язык (0, ).
1. Bulletin board systems ... maintain free or low-cost communication networks to attract more users.
2. We ... develop different means to deliver the Internet services.
3. Sensitive information... not be transferred without having been encrypted.
4. According to the company's long-term project, more goods ... be sold through a virtual shop by the end of 2000.
5. For sharing private information businesses ... use intranets.
6. Remote education ... be more available for younger generation.
7. Connecting to the Internet one ... remember about data security of his personal computer.
8. Electronic summer sales ... held in September.
9. Some traditional retail companies ... dissolve as they failed in competition with e-commerce.
10. Nowadays a virtual company ... be considered one of the most flourishing forms of cooperation.
Kazakhstan is committed to becoming one of the top 30 of the world’s 50 developing nations by 2050. A “greening” of essential economic sectors is part and parcel of this economic drive. As an oil producing nation, moving from “brown” to green status will be a challenge – one that Kazakhstan is ready to face head on.
President Nazarbayev formally adopted Kazakhstan’s Green Economy Concept policy in 2013, following the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012. With full presidential backing, it appears the Central Asian state is firmly committed to “cleaning up” its economy.
By 2030, Kazakhstan aims to generate 30% of its domestic electricity supply from renewable sources, rising to 20% by 2050. Legislation establishing feed-in tariffs for renewables was introduced in 2013 and will remain in place for 50 years – providing the impetus for companies to invest in green technologies.
Масленица ‑ самый веселый и сытный народный праздник, длящийся целую неделю. Народ его всегда любил и ласково называл "касаточка", "сахарные уста", "целовальница", "честная масленица", "веселая", "пеpепелочка", "пеpебуха", "объедуха", "ясочка".Неотъемлемой частью праздника были катания на лошадях, на которых надевали самую лучшую сбрую. Парни, которые собирались жениться, специально к этому катанию покупали сани. В катанье непременно участвовали все молодые парочки. Также широко, как и праздничная езда на лошадях, распространено было катание молодежи с ледяных гор. Среди обычаев сельской молодежи на Масленицу были также прыжки через костер и взятие снежного городка.