Задание 2.1. Прочитайте текст. Подберите название к каждому абзацу текста. a) How should you look for jobs?
b) International students can work.
c) Where can students work?
d) You must have this number.
e) You’d better start earlier to search your job.
1Most international students on long courses in the UK can work during holidays and up to a maximum of 20 hours per week during terms.
2You need a National Insurance number to work in the UK. You should apply for this before you start work but you can start work before your number arrives.
3Most universities advise that students shouldn’t work more than 15 hours a week in terms, so many students do part-time jobs, especially in restaurants or bars in the evenings or in shops at weekends.
4In the holidays, full-time jobs are possible. Remember that a lot of students are looking for jobs at these times so you should start looking early.
5The university careers office or job shop has information about jobs on and off the campus. You should also look at notices on other noticeboards in your university. Look for signs in the windows of shops and restaurants, too. Recruitment agencies, local newspapers and websites are also good places to look. And don’t forget you can just ask local employers. You should talk to other students and ask their advice, too.
1. You were (Past Simple) out of breath when you came (Past Simple) in this morning. Had you been running (Past Perfect Continuous)?
2. When Mother got (Past Simple) home she found (Past Simple) that little Kitty had been painting (Past Perfect Continuous) her room. She had painted (Past Perfect) two walls red and one wall yellow.
3. It had been raining (Past Perfect Continuous) for several days before the wind changed (Past Simple).
4. Jane told (Past Simple) me she had been writing (Past Perfect Continuous) regularly to her Granny, but hadn't received (Past Perfect) any answer.
5. We had been cooking (Past Perfect Continuous) all day for the party that evening but by eight o'clock in the evening Jane hadn't finished (Past Perfect) laying the table yet.