Remember how you look from the outside. Attackers will look out on the streets of such a person who seems distracted and relaxed. Watch where you are going, and pay attention to what is happening around you. The offender does not want to be seen before the crime is committed, so if you go, looking up and occasionally looking around, it is likely that you will drop out of his list of potential victims. If a suspicious person enters the elevator, exit immediately, without waiting for the doors to close. If someone is following you by car, run in the direction opposite to the car's traffic line.
• dressing gown ['dresɪŋˌgaun] - 1. пеньюар, домашний халат; 2. махровый купальный халат
• evening gown - (амер.) вечернее платье
• hospital gown - больничный халат
• wedding gown - свадебное платьеhandkerchief ['hæŋkəʧiːf] - носовой платокhat [hæt] - шляпаhoodie = hoody ['hudɪ] - толстовка с капюшоном, балахон с капюшономjacket ['hudɪ] - куртка
• leather jacket- кожаная курткаjeans [ʤiːnz] - джинсыjumper ['ʤʌmpə] - джемпер, «толстовка»jumper dress (амер.) = pinafore dress (брит.) - сарафанlingerie ['lænʒ(ə)rɪ], ['lɔn-] - (от фр. ) дамское бельёovercoat - пальтоpants - нижнее бельё, трусики (сокращенно от «pantaloons»)scarf - шарфshirt [ʃɜːt] - рубашка, блузка, сорочкаshorts - шортыskirt [skɜːt] - юбка
• pencil skirt - узкая прямая юбкаsocks - носкиsuit [s(j)uːt] - 1) костюм 2) комплект, набор (одежды и т. п.)
• dress suit - мужской вечерний костюм
• two-piece suit - дамский костюм (юбка и жакет)
• business suit - деловой костюм
• casual suit - повседневный костюм
sweater ['swetə] - свитер ( образовано от слова sweat - потеть)sweatshirt ['swetʃɜːt] - толстовка, фуфайкаswimsuit / bathing suit - купальникtie - галстукtights (брит.) = pantyhose (амер.) - колготкиtrousers ['trauzəz] - брюкиtrunks - мужские плавкиT-shirt ['tiːʃɜːt] - футболкаumbrella [ʌm'brelə] - зонтикvest - майка с короткими рукавами или без рукавов, надеваемая под рубашкуwaistcoat - жилет (waist - талия)zip - застежка-молния
Remember how you look from the outside. Attackers will look out on the streets of such a person who seems distracted and relaxed. Watch where you are going, and pay attention to what is happening around you. The offender does not want to be seen before the crime is committed, so if you go, looking up and occasionally looking around, it is likely that you will drop out of his list of potential victims. If a suspicious person enters the elevator, exit immediately, without waiting for the doors to close. If someone is following you by car, run in the direction opposite to the car's traffic line.