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29.09.2020 11:41 •  Английский язык

задание - предложения писать полностью.
2, 3 задания - номер предложения и правильный вариант.
4 задание - прочитать текст, a-h- номер предложения и True or False,с 1-5 – номер вопроса и буква правильного ответа.

Test 3.

1. The sentences below are not correct. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

1. She has got a (big, beautiful, Italian) car.
2. I wanted to buy (denim, dark blue, nice) trousers.
3. My mum is a (middle-aged, wonderful, Russian) woman.
4. Do you know that (young, Italian, beautiful) girl?
5. He is a (Russian, young, clever) doctor
6. Leonardo da Vinci is a (talented Italian great) painter and architect.

2. Fill in the correct relative pronoun or adverb (who, which, where, when, whose, why)

1. My mum wanted to know I didn’t finish my homework..
2. Where is the cheese was in the fridge?
3. A dictionary is a book you can find meanings of words.
4. It is the boy father is a doctor.
5. It is the day I have to take an exam.
6. Is the artist drew this picture French?

3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word (-ed, -ing)( номер предложения и написать причастие 1 или причастие 2)

1. I found the book really (bore)
2. Dad said he was really in us. (disappoint)
3. The lesson was really (interest).
4. Jane is always after work. (tire)
5. Jack is of spiders. (scare)
6. How ! The cinema is closed. (disappoint)

4. Read the text “Big Red London Buses"

What is the best-known symbol of London? Big Ben? St Paul's Cathedral? Can it be the big red London double-decker bus?
It certainly can be. Every day, thousands of Londoners use the big red buses to move around the town. Every tourist knows that a one-day London bus pass can be used on all bus routes. London bus can offer a wonderful way to see the sights of Britain's capital city.
Since 1911 the big red motor bus has been London's 'king of the road'. The idea of the 'double-decker' is much older than the motor bus. Until the 1930s the 'double-decker' bus had no roof. Some passengers sat inside, and the rest travelled on the roof. It was too bad if it was raining! But then all new buses became equipped with roofs over the upper deck.
Today the only open-topped buses are the special tourist buses. The most popular buses are those from the 'Routemasters' which date from the 1950s and 60s. It is popular because it has an open platform at the back end and passengers can climb on and off when they want, even if the bus is moving (though this is not recommended!). These buses were designed specially for London, by people who knew what London needed. They have served their purpose well!

Mark the statements T (true) or F (false)

a) Since 1911 the red motor bus has been London's 'king of the road'.
b) Thousands of Londoners use the big red buses to move to other countries.
c) A one-day London bus pass is used only on one bus route.
d) London bus offers a wonderful way to see the sights of Britain's capital.
e) New buses were equipped with floors.
f) The special tourist buses are open-topped.
g) The Routemaster has an open platform at the back end.
h) Passengers can climb on and off the bus only when it is not moving.

Choose the right answers.( Выберите правильный ответ: номер вопроса и буква ответа )

1) How do the Londoners use the big red buses?
a) They use them to move to another countries.
b) They use them to move around town.
c) They don't use them at all.

2) What kind of a London bus pass offers a wonderful way to see the sights?
a) a one-day bus pass
b) a seven-days bus pass
c) a three-days bus pass

3) How were all new buses equipped?
a) They were equipped with upper decks.
b) They were equipped with roofs.
c) They were equipped with new wheels.

4) How are open-topped buses used?
a) as special tourist buses
b) as special buses for workers
c) as special buses for students

5) Why is the 'Routemaster' the most popular bus?
a) Because it is the fastest bus.
b) Because it is the warmest bus.
c) Because passengers can climb on and off when they want in this bus.

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26.09.2022 11:49
Nowadays the theatre is less popular than the cinema. due to the popularity of television and the since appearance of video, theatre has lost a great deal of its attraction. besides, theatre tickets are very expensive, especially in good theatres. so we can say that a visit to a famous theatre has become a luxury. still, the theatre is an inseparable part of the intellectual life of any country. we can even say that the theatre as an art reflects the state of society and of the mind of the nation. in every country theatre has its own history, traditions and peculiarities. there are a lot of theatres in russia and some of them are popular all over the world. in moscow theatre-goers try not to miss the first nights at the vakhtangov, sovremennik, or khudozhestvenny (art) theatres. st. petersburg also has a variety of theatres, which meet all the tastes. lovers of classic music never miss a chance to visit the philharmonic society hall. opera and ballet lovers can go to mariinsky opera house and maly opera house. those who are fond of drama visit the bolshoi drama theatre, alexandrinsky theatre, open theatre and many others. many new theatres and studios have appeared during the last five or ten years. many theatres are famous for theirexcellent company, sets and great directors. i'm not a regular theatre-goer, but sometimes i like to go and see an interesting performance. one of my favourite theatres is the bolshoi drama theatre. it is so not only because of its wonderful company, but i like the interior as well. it is quite a problem to get a ticket there; they are sold out long in advance. the house is separated from the stage by the curtain. of all the seats i prefer to sit in the stalls or in the dress circle. from there i can get a good view of the stage and can hear and see equally well without opera-glasses. but i don’t, like to sit in the balcony. i usually buy the tickets at the box-office. when the day of the performance comes, i dress up and arrive at the theatre about twenty minutes before the performance to enjoy the atmosphere. i leave my coat and hat in the cloak-room and buy a programme from the usher because i want to know what the cast is like. at last the performance begins. the house is full. everybody is deeply involved in what happens on the stage. the setting is marvellous and the costumes are wonderful. i like the cinema too, even if it doesn't create so festive atmosphere. when i have free time i often go to see some new film. there is a cinema not far from my house. it is quite a modern building with a very large hall. before every show you can see a newsreel or a documentary. in the foyer you can see photos of film stars and advertisements for the films which will be shown soon. when i want to go to the cinema i look in a newspaper «what's on» column. they publish a list of all the cinemas in the city and what is on there today. then i phone my friend and we discuss what is worth seeing. we like films with a lot of action and suspense, and sometimes, a good comedy. my parents prefer love stories and musicals. once they persuaded me to see the famous «gone with the wind», and i did not regret doing so. the film is based on the famous novel by margaret mitchell. it was produced in the 1930s, but you do not feel that it is 60 years old. it is a powerful and moving story. the english actress vivien leigh played the main role, and her male counterpart was clark gable. 
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12.11.2020 20:32
Спортс  ин британ: 1.  михаэль  джордан  энд майкл фэлбс а фэймос энгланд свимэр  энд бэскэтболл  плэйер. 2.  из  э  попьюлар тим спортс. 3.голф  из  а попьюлар индивидуал спортс. 4.грэт  бритиш  спортинг эвэнтс  инклюд зэ кап файнал,  зэ ваймблэдон тэнис тауэнэймэнт энд  зэ  брэнд нэшнл. 5.  энди  мэри из э  британ олимпик чемпион ин 1998(найнтин найнти эйт) (тэнис) спортс  ин  раша: 1.мария  шарапова  из фэймос рашан тэнис плэйер. 2.канойенг  из  а попьюлар тим спортс. 3.гимнастик  из э  попьюлар индивидуал спортс .
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