Задание: Сформулируйте во Предложения ниже - это ответы на ваши предполагаемые
во Для каждого пункта составьте по 3 типа во общий, специальный и
разделительный. Прежде чем формулировать во по-
английски проанализируйте данное предложение: найдите главные члены (подлежащее и
сказуемое), уточните, чем выражено сказуемое (модальный, вс форма глагола-
связки «быть» или смысловой глагол).
1. The issue of the split ends is a common problem with longer hair.
2. The layered ends and the split ends will stick out from the twist.
3. Long hair gets damages by environmental conditions.
4. You should use clips to hold the hair you aren't working with.
5. A friend of mine has wearing his hair for 10 years.
6. Allergic reactions include facial and neck swelling.
7. Almost all colouring products that lighting hair contain some amount of hydrogen peroxide.
In any case, thanks to hunting and meat food, the ancient man had a large supply of energy, which allowed him to bear cold better. The skins of dead animals were used as clothes, shoes and walls of the dwelling, which increased the chances of survival in a harsh climate.Rowing appeared millions of years ago, and his role was much more important than in the life of a modern office worker. Having freed his hands, a person could engage in intensive construction of a dwelling, the production of clothing, the processing of tools, the extraction and preservation of fire. The upright ancestors of people could move freely in an open country, where their life no longer depended on the harvesting of tropical fruits. Already millions of years ago, they were free to travel long distances and get food in river drains.
Rowing played an insidious role and yet it was rather an advantage: the man himself came to the cold regions and adapted to life in them, but at the same time could find artificial and natural shelters from the glacier.