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21.02.2021 03:36 •  Английский язык

Задать 18 вопросов по этому тексту advertisers targeting young people (1) a new report has concluded that advertising managers are becoming increasingly interested in children. studies show that children influence about 50 percent of things that families buy, so they are an attractive target for
advertisers. (2) john taylor, the author of the report and a lecturer at the department of media and communications at the university of west london, says: ‘advertisers can reach their target in many ways. they can, for example, show an ad many times during school holidays, they can make the tv
commercials a little louder than the programmes to attract attention, or they can sponsor programmes and show their commercials just before the programme begins.’ (3) most advertisements which aimed at children are short, imaginative and often in the form of animated cartoons. ‘children love the
adverts and watch them in the same way as any entertainment programme,’ taylor says. (4) there are concerns about advertising which aimed at young people. the concerns are shared by sarah durham, a writer and journalist specialising in media analysis. ‘the most worrying thing is that children do not
think carefully when they see television advertisements. they are less critical than adults and do not usually realise that the advertisement has a persuasive message, to encourage them or their parents to spend as much money as possible on the product or service,’ she says. (5) there are also
concerns over the vast sums of money that junk food manufacturers spend on advertising to persuade children to buy their food products. many advertisements, argues durham, promote food that is a lot higher in fat, salt and sugar than healtier alternatives. ‘many companies target children with offers
of free toys, models of cartoon characters, gimmicky, attractive packaging and interactive websites. in most western countries, there are a lot more advertisements during children’s tv for food than any other type of product, and these are mainly for confectionery such as candies, sweetened
breakfast cereals and fast food restaurants.’ (6) governments’ approaches to controlling advertising to children vary, and differ from one country to another. in sweden, one of the strictest countries where advertising is concerned, tv advertising to children under the age of 12 is banned. greece
bans television advertisements for children’s toys between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. other countries, such as denmark and the netherlands, also have legal controls whereas france, britain and germany prefer self-regulation, arguing that the television industry should regulate itself and bring out a ‘code
of good conduct’. (7) some countries are not as certain as the swedes that advertising to children is harmful. the french argue that children need to see many many advertisements so that they can develop their ability to think as they grow up. the belief is that advertising will help children to be
more aware of its persuasive power. (8) this all means that there is little hope that the situation will be resolved by any kind of cross-european regulations. ‘because some countries are much more relaxed than others about advertising to children, the european union is unable at present to have a
common approach to the problem. until the majority of member states are as sure as the swedes of the harmful nature of advertising, the current indecision will continue,’ concludes taylor.

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01.05.2021 06:45

19. Я бы сменил работу, если бы я… лучше.

а) найдете;

б) найден;

в) находит.

20. Если мы не найдем покупателя для компании в ближайшее время, мы… вероятно….

а) будет… закрываться;

б) закроются;

в) был бы ... закрыт.

21. Если бы я ... моя работа, я бы начал свой собственный бизнес.

а) проиграет;

б) проиграл;

в) потерян.

22. Больше людей покупали бы здесь в году, если бы мы… наши цены.

а) уменьшился;

б) уменьшенный;

в) уменьшить.

23. Если все сотрудники бронируют рейсы вместе, им ... скидка.

а) получит;

б) получил

в) получил бы.

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21.10.2022 16:20

My favourite lesson is Physical Training.

Usually we have our physical training lessons either in the gymnasium or on the sports ground. Our sports ground is situated behind the school. On the sports ground there are a football field, a volleyball ground and a basketball ground.

Before the PT lessons we put on our sports uniform. After we have changed our clothes, we go to the gymnasium and line up. At the beginning of the lesson we usually do gymnastic exercises. Then we pull up, jump, climb the rope.

On the sports ground we run. Sometimes we throw balls. We often play sports games at the PT lesson. All the boys in our form like to play football. But our girls prefer to play volleyball or basketball.

In winter at the PT lessons we ski. We ski on the sports ground or in the park. Sometimes, if the weather is cold, we go to skate at the skating rink. The boys play hockey on the sports ground too.

Many boys and girls of our form attend various sports sections. I also attend a sports section in swimming. Three times a week I go to the swimming-pool. Some of my friends go in for tennis, track-and-field athletics, boxing and other sports.


Мой любимый урок - урок физической культуры.

Обычно у нас проходят уроки физкультуры или в спортзале или на стадионе. Наша спортивная площадка находится позади школы. На стадионе есть футбольное поле, волейбольная площадка и баскетбольная площадка.

Перед уроком физкультуры, мы надеваем спортивную форму. После того как мы сменили нашу одежду, мы идем в спортзал и строимся. В начале урока мы, как правило, делаем гимнастические упражнения. Затем подтягиваемся, прыгаем, лазим по канату.

На спортивной площадке мы бегаем. Иногда мы бросаем мячи. Мы часто играем в спортивные игры на уроке физкультуры. Все ребята в нашем классе, любят играть в футбол. Но наши девушки предпочитают играть в волейбол или баскетбол.

Зимой на уроках физкультуры мы катаемся на лыжах. Мы катаемся на спортивной площадке или в парке. Иногда, если погода холодная, мы идем кататься на коньках на катке. Мальчики также играют в хоккей на стадионе.

Многие мальчики и девочки нашего класса посещают различные спортивные секции. Я также посещаю спортивную секцию по плаванию. Три раза в неделю я хожу в бассейн. Некоторые мои друзья занимаются теннисом, легкой атлетикой, боксом и другими видами спорта.

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