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there are many nice things in this dining room. on the left there is a large comfortable sofa and opposite it there is a little table with an armchair at it. there are some newspapers and some magazines on this table. in the middle of the room there is a large table. on the table there are plates, glasses, forks, knives, etc. near the wall there is a fine carpet on the floor. there is a bookcase. there are many books in this bookcase. this dining room is large, clean and sunny. there is a lot of air and light in it.
автобус bus [bʌs]
такси taxi ['tæksi]
поезд train [treɪn]
автомобиль car / auto / autombile [kɑ:(r)] / ['ɔ:təʊ] / ['ɔ:təməbi:l]
мотоцикл motorcycle / motorbike ['məʊtəsaɪkl] / ['məʊtəbaɪk]
метро subway / underground ['sʌbweɪ] / [,ʌndə'ɡraʊnd]
снегоход snowmobile ['snəʊmə,bi:l]
троллейбус trolleybus ['trɒlibʌs]
трамвай tram [træm]
междугородний автобус coach [kəʊtʃ]
грузовик lorry / truck ['lɒri] / [trʌk]
велосипед bike / bicycle [baɪk] / ['bʌɪsɪk(ə)l]
тележка, фургон wagon ['wægən]
Водный транспорт
корабль ship [ʃɪp]
пароход steamer
steamship ['sti:,mər]
паром ferry ['feri]
лодка boat [bəʊt]
теплоход motor ship ['məʊtə(r) ʃɪp]
яхта yacht [jɒt]
судно vessel ['vesəl]
Воздушный транспорт
самолёт plane / airplane [pleɪn] / ['eəpleɪn]
вертолёт helicopter ['helɪ,kɒptər]
воздушный шар balloon / aerostat [bə'lu:n] / ['ɛ:rəstat]