Закончите предложение, используя слова из рамки.
to come to the finish to get a prize to clean her room to swim to the finish the first the last to write a poem the only the second to play the piano to finish her test
1. Nick won the running competition. Bill and he was happy to have the bronze medal.
2. In his class Peter . No one else dances hip-hop.
3. Mel and Liza . Other children didn’t get any prizes.
4. Chuck in the song contest. He was very unhappy.
5. Mary. Her brother finished cleaning only in the evening.
I was glad to receive your letter. Sorry i haven't answered so long. i really was busy, because i am in the summer camp now. How are you?
You asked how was it going. Well, i am rather fine. I made a lot of new friends here. We are always together. We go to the river, to the forest and have much fun. In the evening we usually sing songs, play different games.
By the way, where are you now? How are you spending this summer? What is your mood today?
Anyway, have to go now. Write me back as soon as you can.
(your name)
Подходим половинки.
1. Я видел птицу
2. Мать завернутая
3. В конце месяца
4. Бенни начал лаять
5. Я был счастлив
6. Я пошел гулять
7. Яйцо было
а) яйцо в футболке
б) он нашел птицу,
в) увидев птицу.
г) лежа на земле,
д) я услышал странный шум.
е) еще тепло.
г) с Бенни
Зіставити половинки.
1. Я побачив птаха
2. Мати загорнута
3. В кінці місяця
4. Бенні почав гавкати
5. Я був щасливий
6. Я пішов гуляти
7. Яйце було
а) яйце в футболці
б) він знайшов птаха,
в) побачити птаха.
г) лежачи на землі,
д) я почув дивний шум.
f) ще теплий.
ж) з Бенні