Замените слово в скобках на наиболее подходящий из предложенных вариантов. Запишите предложение и переведите его. 1. (работай) Don ft so hard7
(a) works (b) work (c) working
2. (читаем) We are a great novel.
(a) to read (b) reading (c) read
3. (ты будешь делать) What today?
(a) are you doing (b) you doing (c) you do
4. (готовит) She's an important report.
(a) prepares (b) preparing (c) to prepare
5. (Скажи ему) ___ that the party is on Saturday.
(a) Tell him (b) Tell he (c) To tell him
6. (работает) Tom for a very good company.
(a) working (b) work (c) works
7. (Не звони мне) from where it is noisy.
(a) Call me not (b) Don't call me (c) Call not
8. (ты хочешь, чтобы) What me to do?
(a) you want (b) do you want (c) wanting
9. (ест) He always breakfast in the same restaurant.
(a) eats (b) is eating (c) eat
(Принеси) everything to my home tomorrow afternoon.
(a) Walk (b) Bring (c) Try
A revolution in Japanese clothing caused westernbased reform of the Meiji era in the second half of the 19th century. European fashion began to displace traditional Japanese costume. This process was gradual surface until 1945, touching only the guiding layers of the society. However, the democratization of the "Americanization" of the way of life of the ordinary Japanese has led to the fact that the Japanese kimono was pushed out of daily life.
Today, the Japanese traditional costume used basically only during the holidays and formal events.
Сначала надо определить сказуемое в предложении и в какой форме (времени) оно используется. Потом при вс глагола и нужного местоимения образуем tag = "хвостик", применив правило "батарейки":
если предложение утвердительное (+), то хвостик отрицательный (-) и наоборот ( -, + ?)
1) The moon goes round the earth, doesn't it? ( +, - ?)
2) The earth is bigger than the moon, isn't it?
3) Asian people don't like rice, do they? ( -, + ?)
4) Elephants live in Europe, don't they?
5) You haven't got $10 to lend me, have you?
6) You can swim, can't you?
7) You didn’t know where the boss was, did you?
8) This meal is horrible, isn't it?
9) The meeting is tomorrow at 9am, isn't it?
10) You won’t go without me, will you?