Записать правило употребления косвенной речи в тетрадь. Выполнить упражнения: I) Переведите повествовательные предложения в косвенную речь. Том сказал: «Я ученик.» Мэри сказала: «У меня есть брат и сестра.» Том и Боб сказали: «Нам нужен твой словарь». (need) Мама сказала Том: «Боб прибирает свою комнату сейчас». (clean the room) II) Найди и исправь ошибки. She says that she don’t wants to go for a walk. (2 ошибки) She says she am very tired. (1) Kate says she are jogging. (1) Mary says he have got a brother and a sister. (2 ошибки) III) Переведите повествовательные предложения в косвенную речь. 1. “I am twelve years old” Sally says. 1. “I am reading,” the girl said. 2. “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher says. 3. “I am not married,” Jimmy says. 4. “I can't read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra says.
2. By three o'clock my work will have been finished already.
3. By the time you come back the flat will have been to tidied up
4. will the supper have been cooked by the time the children come from school?
5. By next year this house will have been reconstructed
6. I hope by winter this road will have been repaired
7. I think by tomorrow the guestion will have been settled.
8. By the time he comes all traces will have been hidden
9. You can't go to the library at eight tomorrow. By that time it will have been closed
10. They think that by next winter the reconstruction works will have been finished and they'll be able to let the tourists see the gallery.