an interesting place is our house during quarantine, we learn so much new about it. An interesting place is the Carpathians, their mountain air is something that you can ski and winter skateboards. The geographic location of our house is where we are convenient and comfortable. The geographic location of the Carpathians is Ukraine.Temperament and character of Ukrainians. We are friendly, sometimes irritable, mainly we or such as we are or rats. We always compete, argue or go to the rescue. We are different.
хіба Метью виглядав так ніяково, побачивши Керол? (Запитав він)
Що вони роблять для розголосу події? ' (Вона задумалась)
Ви надішлите мені звіт, коли він закінчиться? ' (Він запитав мене)
"Що ви зробили зі студентськими записами?" (Вона запитала мене)
Як ви думаєте, ви могли б трохи зменшити голос? (Вона запитала нас)
Де ти купив ту шапку? (Він хотів знати)
Ви правильно харчувалися? (Лікар запитав мене)
Не шуміть під час виступу. (Вони запитали нас)
Ви все ще викладали музику, коли познайомилися з Олівером? (Майк запитав мене
an interesting place is our house during quarantine, we learn so much new about it. An interesting place is the Carpathians, their mountain air is something that you can ski and winter skateboards. The geographic location of our house is where we are convenient and comfortable. The geographic location of the Carpathians is Ukraine.Temperament and character of Ukrainians. We are friendly, sometimes irritable, mainly we or such as we are or rats. We always compete, argue or go to the rescue. We are different.