Записать слова и указать, к каким частям речи они относятся (существительное, прилагательное, наречие, глагол).
Mathematics, mathematician; practice, practical, practically; invent, inventor, invention; nature,
natural; to equip, equipment; to write, a writer; to work, works, worker; discuss, discussion; high, height;
scientist, science, scientific; construct, construction; contain, container; recommend, recommendation;
special, speciality, specialist; describe, description, descriptive.
2 видимо предложение не правильно написано
3 the expedition is going to be showed on national television
4 All the necessary have been already bought by John Mills
5 An observation is going to be set up
6 Objections have been raised to this expedition by many people
1 the project of a new trade centre is being discussed by the chief architects and engineers
2 all the necessary documents have been already signed by the general managers
3 building works are going to be started in April
4 the project will be supported by Many building firms
5 the biggest trade and entertainment centre are going to be built in the region
6 objections have been raised to this project