На русском: Состояние ЖКХ стало в современной РФ критической социальной проблемой. С 1991 года капитальный ремонт жилищного фонда страны был практически прекращен, и это достояние стало на глазах деградировать. Цель данной статьи - проинформировать об актуальности жилищной проблемы. Итак, наши задачи таковы: во-первых, обосновать актуальность темы жилищной проблемы; во-вторых, найти основные пути решения жилищной проблемы. Актуальность жилищной проблемы заключается в острой нехватке жилья, соответствующего нормативным и потребительским требованиям, для значительной части населения. Жилищная проблема имеет несколько важных аспектов: 1)дефицит жилья - количественный аспект; 2)несоответствие структуры жилищного фонда демографической структуре семей - структурный аспект; 3)несоответствие имеющегося жилищного фонда требованиям к потребительским качествам жилья – качественный аспект. Один из важных аспектов данной проблемы является то, что Средняя жилищная обеспеченность в городах страны составляет не более 18 кв.м. общей площади жилья на одного жителя, часть населения имеют менее 9кв.м. на душу населения, зачастую, в коммунальных квартирах (рис.1). Рисунок1 Тип жилья, в котором проживают россияне в %.
не забудьте правильно оформить цитату: Гимазетдинова Э. Я., Владимиров И. А. Жилищная проблема и пути ее решения в современных условиях [Текст] // Актуальные вопросы экономики и управления: материалы междунар. науч. на английском : State Housing has become in modern RF critical social problem. Since 1991, the overhaul of the country's housing stock was virtually stopped, and this property was degraded to the eyes. The purpose of this article - to inform about the relevance of the housing problem. So, our objectives are as follows: firstly, to justify the relevance of the theme of the housing problem; Second, find the basic ways to solve the housing problem. The urgency of the housing problem is acute shortage of housing, the relevant regulatory and consumer requirements for a large part of the population. The housing problem has several important aspects: 1) the housing shortage - the quantitative aspect; 2) inconsistency of the housing stock of the demographic structure of the family structure - structural aspect; 3) inconsistency of the existing housing stock needs to consumer quality of housing - a quality aspect. One important aspect of this problem is that the average supply of housing in the cities of the country is not more than 18 sq.m. total housing area per capita, proportion of the population have less than 9kv.m. per capita, often in communal apartments (Figure 1). Figure1 housing type, which is inhabited by Russians%.
Please do not forget to arrange a quote correctly: Gimazetdinova E. Ya, Vladimirov IA housing problem and its solutions in modern conditions [Text] // Topical Issues of Economics and Management: Proceedings of the international. scientific.
2. In the (central) part of Australia there are desert, the land is dry and (uninhabited).
3. New South Wales is Australia's leading (industrial) state.
4. Bananas and other (tropical) fruit are grown in Australia.
5. Some of Australia's most (unproductive) desert lands occupy the bigger part of Queensland.
6. Australia is the leading (producer) of pears and berries of (different) kinds.
7. Canberra is the seat of the federal (government) important centre of (learning).
не забудьте правильно оформить цитату:
Гимазетдинова Э. Я., Владимиров И. А. Жилищная проблема и пути ее решения в современных условиях [Текст] // Актуальные вопросы экономики и управления: материалы междунар. науч.
на английском : State Housing has become in modern RF critical social problem. Since 1991, the overhaul of the country's housing stock was virtually stopped, and this property was degraded to the eyes. The purpose of this article - to inform about the relevance of the housing problem. So, our objectives are as follows: firstly, to justify the relevance of the theme of the housing problem; Second, find the basic ways to solve the housing problem. The urgency of the housing problem is acute shortage of housing, the relevant regulatory and consumer requirements for a large part of the population. The housing problem has several important aspects: 1) the housing shortage - the quantitative aspect; 2) inconsistency of the housing stock of the demographic structure of the family structure - structural aspect; 3) inconsistency of the existing housing stock needs to consumer quality of housing - a quality aspect. One important aspect of this problem is that the average supply of housing in the cities of the country is not more than 18 sq.m. total housing area per capita, proportion of the population have less than 9kv.m. per capita, often in communal apartments (Figure 1). Figure1 housing type, which is inhabited by Russians%.
Please do not forget to arrange a quote correctly:
Gimazetdinova E. Ya, Vladimirov IA housing problem and its solutions in modern conditions [Text] // Topical Issues of Economics and Management: Proceedings of the international. scientific.