Distance learning is a convenient learning format for every student. You study at home, at a convenient time for you. No need to waste time on the road to the school and back. You plan your time as you want. You remember more as you search for information yourself.
This format helps the student to get used to adult life and teaches him to be independent. The remote format can also make it easier and even somewhere to unload the homework list in advance if you do it in advance.
Thus, this type of training is convenient for all schoolchildren and students, regardless of where they study.
Christmas is a joyful religious A holiday. For people all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. In Scandinavian and other European countries, Santa Claus B visits houses in the night and leaves presents for children. Santa Claus is represented as a kindly man with a red coat and long white beard. He usually C brings people happiness in the coldest months of the year. Mary and Steve are twins. Every year they D expect Santa Claus and his gifts. Last year Santa E brought a beautiful doll for Mary and a soccer ball for Steve. The children F have already decorated the Christmas tree. Now Mary G is helping her mother in the kitchen, and Steve H is watching a football game on TV. He I loves football very much. After supper the children will go to bed. Santa Claus usually J comes at night. Tomorrow Mary and Steve K will find presents in a Christmas stocking. What will Santa give them?
Distance learning is a convenient learning format for every student. You study at home, at a convenient time for you. No need to waste time on the road to the school and back. You plan your time as you want. You remember more as you search for information yourself.
This format helps the student to get used to adult life and teaches him to be independent. The remote format can also make it easier and even somewhere to unload the homework list in advance if you do it in advance.
Thus, this type of training is convenient for all schoolchildren and students, regardless of where they study.
Christmas is a joyful religious A holiday. For people all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. In Scandinavian and other European countries, Santa Claus B visits houses in the night and leaves presents for children. Santa Claus is represented as a kindly man with a red coat and long white beard. He usually C brings people happiness in the coldest months of the year. Mary and Steve are twins. Every year they D expect Santa Claus and his gifts. Last year Santa E brought a beautiful doll for Mary and a soccer ball for Steve. The children F have already decorated the Christmas tree. Now Mary G is helping her mother in the kitchen, and Steve H is watching a football game on TV. He I loves football very much. After supper the children will go to bed. Santa Claus usually J comes at night. Tomorrow Mary and Steve K will find presents in a Christmas stocking. What will Santa give them?