Заполните предложения словами ниже: air; cut down; destroy; disappear; habitat; rainforests; species; without.1. poor farmers can rainforests if they have nowhere to live and no food for their families. 2. people shouldn't the habitats of animals and plants. 3. are important for the people
who live there. 4. rainforests are full of unusual of animals and plants. 5. rainforest is a comfortable for people. 6. rare species of animals and plants can forever. 7. our planet can't live rainforests. 8. rainforests, the lungs of our planet, help make the of our planet cleaner.
2) cut down
4) species
7) with out
1 cut down
2 destroy
3 habitat (?)
4 species
5 habitait
6 disapperar
7 without
8 air