ЗАРАНЕЕ Дополните текст правильными формами данных слов
Christmas is the time of (happy)
and (enjoy)
but it's not a good time for everyone. Take turkeys, for example. Every year millions of turkeys end up on a dinner table. Turkeys were domesticated in ancient Mexico, for food and/or for their (culture)
and symbolic significance. But not Lofty. Lofty is a (luck)
bird. He was born on a (Britain)
farm and has spent many (wonder)
hours there. One day it was Lofty's time to go to the market. Anyway, he wasn't as (fortunate)
as many other turkeys: nobody knows how but Lofty ran away! He ended up in an animal rescue centre. (lucky)
for Lofty, the people in the centre are all vegetarians, so Lofty's future looks (fair)
С Наурызом связано множество народных обычаев. Так, к этому празднику необходимо было закончить все дела, привести в порядок свой дом и хозяйство, посадить цветы, деревья.
Само празднование проходит очень весело, с концертами, национальными играми, театральными сценками, песнями, плясками, игрой на домбре и скачками на лошадях. Также в этот день принято надевать новую праздничную одежду. Считалось, что как проведешь этот праздник, так и пройдет целый год.
Традиционное лакомство, которое готовят на Наурыз – это «коже». Оно состоит из семи ингредиентов – воды, молока, муки, мяса (баранины или говядины), жира, злаков и соли.
Очень много традиций в Наурыз связано с цифрой 7, которая символизирует 7 дней недели. Так, на праздничном столе непременно должно находиться 7 тарелок с «коже», сам стол украшался 7 предметами, в этот день принято было пригласить к себе домой 7 гостей и посетить 7 других семей.
В день праздника люди ходят друг к другу в гости, обмениваются поздравлениями и пожеланиями счастья, благополучия и добра в наступающем году.
перевод на английский
Nauryz is traditionally celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, on March 21, for over 5000 years. It is a holiday of a new year, a renewal of nature and a meeting of spring. They celebrate the "birth of spring" in many countries of Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iraqi Kurdistan, and India.
Many national customs are associated with Nauryz. So, for this holiday it was necessary to finish all business, to put in order your house and farm, plant flowers, trees.
The celebration itself is very fun, with concerts, national games, theatrical scenes, songs, dances, playing dombra and horse racing. Also on this day it is customary to wear new festive clothes. It was believed that as you spend this holiday, it will be a whole year.
Traditional delicacy, which is prepared for Nauryz - is "skin". It consists of seven ingredients - water, milk, flour, meat (lamb or beef), fat, cereals and salt.
A lot of traditions in Nauryz are associated with the figure 7, which symbolizes 7 days of the week. So, on the festive table there must certainly be 7 plates with "skin", the table itself was decorated with 7 items, on this day it was customary to invite 7 guests to your home and visit 7 other families.
On the day of the holiday, people go to each other's houses, exchange greetings and wishes for happiness, prosperity and good in the coming year.