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заранее Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 1. Who supports the runners?
2. How it started
3. How to be sure of the winners
4. What to wear for a marathon
5. What it is like to run a marathon
6. How to get ready for a marathon
7. Who runs just for fun?
8. Can the landscape help?
A. Many cities in the United States hold marathons. The city of Chicago, Illinois, has its marathon once a year. The running area in Chicago is almost absolutely flat. The scenery is amazingly beautiful. This fact has helped some runners set some of the world’s fastest times there. Many of them hope to go back again.
B. Some people know that they have no chance of winning but they participate anyway. They are not officially registered for the race - they just start running with the crowd. These runners are called “bandits.” Many of them finish the race hours after the serious runners but they are happy to cross the finish line anyway.
C. An important battle took place in Marathon in Greece more than two thousand years ago. Greece’s army won the battle. A Greek runner was sent to Athens to announce the victory. The man ran for about 40 km at top speed. He announced his message. Then he fell to the ground and died. In memory of the great runner a marathon was included in the Olympic Games.
D. Recently, a British writer and journalist, Mario Roter, ran in a marathon. He thought it would be fun to write an article about what people felt during the race. Later he said that running forty-two kilometers was no fun. Many people agree that there is no pleasure in running a marathon, but afterwards it feels great to know that you have done it.
E. People usually start training for a marathon in early spring. They run often and gradually increase the length of their runs from eight to twelve and even to twenty kilometers. At this point it is necessary to build up the needed strength. In the months before the race, the average participant runs a total of more than eight hundred kilometers.
F. Usually there are lots of runners. The line of people stretches back hundreds of meters. As the winners are awarded prize money it is important to avoid cheating. In order to track all the participants, special chips are used. When the participants register for the marathon, they get their identification number and computer chips. The chips are activated at the start of the race and keep time.
G. A marathon is usually a big public event. In the city where the marathon is held hundreds of people give their time and effort to make the race possible. The city police block traffic on the main roads. Some runners thank the officers as they run by. Every few kilometers there are volunteers who offer water to the runners. Lots of people cheer

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16.06.2020 09:46
1. We can say that the USA is the country of immigrants because more than 95% of the population are people who moved from the different parts of the world.
 Мы можем сказать, что США это страна иммигрантов, так как более 95% населения страны - люди, переехавшие из разных частей мира.
2. A lot of immigrants came from the South America, Africa, Asia, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, France and Russia. 
 Множество иммигрантов приехало из Южной Америки, Африки, Азии, Великобритании, Германии, Италии, Франции и России.
3. Immigrants brought a lot of different plants, kinds of animals and technologies to America.
 Иммигранты привезли в Америку много разновидностей растений и животных и технологии.
4. Christmas trees came from Europe, St. Patrick's Day came straight away from Ireland and Halloween is a Celtic traditional holiday which was celebrated in Scotland and Ireland.
 Рождественские ёлки пришли из Европы, День Святого Патрика пришёл прямиком из Ирландии, а Хэллоуин является традиционным кельтским праздником, который отмечали на территории Шотландии и Ирландии.
5. Americans like to be the first ones everywhere and that's why they like the new ideas. They are the first who built the skyscrapers. The first man on the Moon was also an American. They also like to invent something, for example, the first personal computer was invented by Americans.
 Американцы любят быть везде первыми, поэтому им и нравятся новые идеи. Они первыми построили небоскрёбы. Первым человеком на Луне был именно американец. Им также нравится что-то изобретать, например, первый персональный компьютер был тоже изобретен американцами.
6. Americans like their traditions that came from the old times. They love their national holidays such as the 4th of July (Independence Day) and Thanksgiving. They are very patriotic people.
 Американцы любят свои традиции, которые пришли с далеких времен. Они обожают свои национальные праздники - 4-ое июля (День Независимости) и День Благодарения. Они очень патриотичные люди.
7. The Wild West is a territory that was named by the English settlers who came to settle it from the East American territories. 
Дикий Запад - территория, которая была так названа английскими переселенцами, которые приехали заселять её с восточных территорий Америки.
8. The USA is a federal republic which includes 50 states and a federal district. 
США является федеративной республикой, включает в себя 50 штатов и федеральный округ.
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15.08.2022 01:43
Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world with a thousand years history, original culture and traditions. Japan is situated in East Asia, on 6852 islands. The biggest of them are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. Surprisingly, japanese save environment with so sientific and technical progress. Not saying about rich legacy: castles, palaces, monuments, temples have reached us in primordial appearance to the present days. Millions of tourists foot on this elder ground every year and don't stop to be interested in Japan's history and they don't stop to be impressed local landmarks. The best time to visit Japan is March-April and October-November. At this period the temperature of air is the most pleasant, no rains and the activity of typhoons is minimal.
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