Здравствуйте, у меня случилась беда. Нужно сделать английский язык. Буду очень благодарен что вы есть.
Напишите предложения в косвенной речи
1. Don says: I shall have to help my younger brother with his sums.
2. Mary says: I was in Canada last summer holidays.
3. John says: I have something to tell you.
4. Mary says: I have forgotten to send my birthday greetings.
5. Mother says: We have been in the mountains this summer.
6. Jack says: I have a pen-friend in Russia.
7. Olga asks her friend: Will you see me tomorrow?
8. Ann asks the shop-assistant: What's the price of that jam?
9. Mother asks Jack: Do your homework.
10. Mary asks: Where did you accommodate, Steve?
11. Father asks: When will you buy take your exams?
12. Mother asks: Son, Train your memory every day.
13. Teacher says: We haven't got any tests this term.
14. Pat says: My occupation is a technician.
15. Employer asks: Write your resume, please.
16. He says: I am a full-time student.
17. Mother asks her daughter: Make a list of the subjects you must learn.
18. She asks the woman: What do you do in the main academic building?
19. Boy asks his sister: Have you got enough money to buy two ice-creams?
20. Employer asks: What can I do for you?
В сказочной повести американского писателя Э. Б. Уайта рассказывается о том, как в одном достопочтенном семействе родился мышонок, которого назвали Стюарт. Стюарт чудесным образом родился в обыкновенной человеческой семье Литтлов. Он не просто мышонок, а настоящий джентльмен в серой шляпе и с тростью. Несмотря на крошечный рост, Стюарт бесстрашен, смел и всегда готов к приключениям. Забавные происшествия и приключения Стюарта Литла описаны автором с неподражаемым юмором. С героями книги вы наверняка знакомы по фильмам и спектаклям, поставленным на основе этой смешной и доброй истории.
July was more memorable,because at the end of this month me and my best friend visited Finland,we went to a concert of our favorite band. It was very cool,after the concert, we managed to get backstage. It was incredible and we couldn't hold back the tears.
Well, in August, there was nothing unusual,I and my friends spent a lot of time in the Park ,we went to movies,rode the bike and was already preparing for the new school year.