ЗО расставить правильно слова? Land-use planningLand-use planning Land-use planning LAND-USE PLANNING 1.Вставьте слова : conflicts, solving, factors, combination, deforestation, habitats, erosion, arable, use, jurisdictions, impact, governments вместо пропусков. Land 1) _ _ _ involves the management and modification of natural environment into man-made environment such as settlements and semi-natural 2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, for example 3) _ _ _ _ _ _ fields, pastures, and woods. Land use and land management practices have an important 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ on natural resources including water, soil, nutrients, plants and animals. Land use information can be used to develop solutions for natural resource management problems such as salinity and wa-ter quality. The major effect of land use on land is 5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It also includes ur-ban sprawl, soil 6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _, soil degradation, salinization, and desertification. Land-use planning is a branch of urban planning which regulates land use in an effi-cient way preventing land-use 7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Governments use land-use planning to manage the development of land within their 8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The 9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plan the land use in a way that is beneficial to humans and natural resources. To achieve this balance a land-use plan should be adopted. It should contain assessment of land and water potential, alternatives for land use, and economic and social conditions in order to select and adopt the best land-use options. Agricultural land-use planning is a socio-economic process and a 10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of technical and economic activities, which optimize land use according to the industrial, economic and social conditions and to the 11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the environment. By taking control on the agricultural land structure, the government plays a major role in 12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ problems of land tenure, use of the country’s agricultural potential and environmental pro-tection.
I was more interested in the question: why do some people unhappy at home? Why break up marriages? Why do adult children forget their parents or, conversely, bad parents treat their kids? We see many examples of this around. There is even a social term "dysfunctional family." And why, even in affluent families with mean people often quarrel?
Some people even say tortured relatives, nothing can be done differently. And it is not necessary to marry or marry.
In search of an answer, I opened the encyclopedia to find out what the definition given by the family in society. Family - based on marriage or kinship small group, whose members are linked by common life, mutual aid, moral and legal responsibility. Anything more you can not read. The family should be mutual. And is not that one person helps everyone, and others on it "carry water." If there is mutual, so there is no family at all, even if people are relatives.
But if you have a family, what should it be? Of course, the best family - father, mother, children and grandparents. Probably not in vain in Russia believe it is a perfect happy family. Father - head of the family, his mother - the keeper of the family hearth and grandparents do not miss one, the children have with whom to communicate.
But if such a family for some reason did not work, it can not be considered defective some other. For example, a mother and child. Or grandparents and their grandchildren. Or a single parent with children. Or just husband and wife. In this family, although it is considered an incomplete society may be more love than the traditional one.
Most importantly, it is not necessary to lock in your family. Man lives not only there, but in the big world and the larger society. If someone thinks that he will be "good" only for the family, and more - no friends, and all the enemies, then soon and the family had to start some trouble.
Why a man can be difficult in the family? I found the answer. Because people are selfish. They are sometimes considered close their property. They require native submission, ongoing support, oblivious to the fact that in this family all put equal parts love and understanding.