зробіть діалог про технології із цього тексту виберіть ключові слова невеликий за розміром діалог:You live in a «high-tech» world. Tech is short for technology. Is technology robots, satellites, lasers, and computers? Or is it tools such as saws and hammers? All of these are products of technology, but technology is a lot more! Technology is a combination of people like you, your ideas, and the tools you will use to solve problems. It involves both thinking and doing. Technology is fast-paced, exciting, challenging, and fun! As you learn about technology you will be: Using knowledge from science, math, and other subjects to solve
Designing, inventing, and making things using your creative
Building things such as products, houses, bridges, and devices
that people have created to make life easier.
You can see that technology has many different definitions. Most definitions agree that technology is the use of knowledge, tools, and resources to help people. You will probably come up with your own definition of technology after working with it for a while.
Because technology deals with people and the environment, you need to know how technology affects you. A person who understands the effects of technology is technologically literate. If you are techno¬logically literate, you will be able to make decisions about your future and technology based on facts. As a technologically literate person, you will be able TO:
- See how technology has changed through time.
- Think through a problem and come up with an answer.
- Decide whether a technology is good or bad for people or for the
- Understand the newest uses of technology.
- Use the tools of technology to solve problems.
The effects of technology are not always good for society or for the environment. Some advancements in technology have caused environmental problems such as acid rain. Other technologies are being developed to help solve those problems. Let's find out more about technology.
тебе за письмо. Я бы счастлив услышать, что ты хочешь узнать о здоровом образе жизни. Я расскажу тебе о нем( дословно: я расскажу тебе о здоровом образе жизни. Просто это довольно не литературно)
Я считаю , наиболее важная вещь в здоровом образе жизни - это здоровое (правильное) питание и спорт. Ты должен пить много воды и есть фрукты и овощи. Быстрая пища и газированные напитки очень вредны. Также ты должен заниматься спортом. Спорт поддерживать себя в форме. Ты должен хорошо спать ночью и снизить уровне стресса. И не забывай о витаминах. Я также думаю, что развлечения хороши для твоей жизни и твоего здоровья.
Сейчас - это все. Напиши мне ответ и расскажи интересную историю.
С наилучшими пожеланиями, твой кто-то там