ко́рень — осевой, подземный вегетативный орган высших растений, неограниченным ростом в длину и положительным геотропизмом. корень осуществляет закрепление растения в почве и обеспечивает поглощение и проведение воды с растворёнными минеральными веществами к стеблю и листьям. на корне нет листьев, в клетках корня нет хлоропластов. кроме основного корня, многие растения имеют многочисленные придаточные корни. совокупность всех корней растения называют корневой системой. в случае, когда главный корень незначительно выражен, а придаточные корни выражены значительно, корневая система называется мочковатой. если главный корень выражен значительно, корневая система называется стержневой. некоторые растения откладывают в корне запасные питательные вещества, такие образования называют .
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
ко́рень — осевой, подземный вегетативный орган высших растений, неограниченным ростом в длину и положительным геотропизмом. корень осуществляет закрепление растения в почве и обеспечивает поглощение и проведение воды с растворёнными минеральными веществами к стеблю и листьям. на корне нет листьев, в клетках корня нет хлоропластов. кроме основного корня, многие растения имеют многочисленные придаточные корни. совокупность всех корней растения называют корневой системой. в случае, когда главный корень незначительно выражен, а придаточные корни выражены значительно, корневая система называется мочковатой. если главный корень выражен значительно, корневая система называется стержневой. некоторые растения откладывают в корне запасные питательные вещества, такие образования называют .
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔