1.Выберите правильный ответ: физиология питания –
наука о функциях организма,
наука о превращении пищи в организме человека;
наука о работе дыхательной системы.
2.Выберите виды тепловой обработки мяса:
3.Определите последовательность первичной обработки рыбы:
разрезание брюшка;
удаление внутренностей;
очистка рыбы от чешуи;
нарезание на порционные куски;
удаление головы, плавников, хвоста.
4. Выберете заправочные супы:
а) щи зеленые
б) суп-пюре из птицы
в) бульон с гренками
г) гороховый суп на мясном бульоне
д) борщ
е) рассольник
5.Мясо какого животного имеет светло-розовый цвет?
6.У каких супов гарнир протирается через сито и после этого соединяется с бульоном?
7.Сколько времени варятся кальмары?
10 – 15 минут
18 – 20 минут
5 – 7 минут
8.Отвар из мяса, на основе которого варят суп:
9.К мясу не относится:
10.Определите последовательность первичной обработки рыбы:
разрезание брюшка;
удаление внутренностей;
очистка рыбы от чешуи;
нарезание на порционные куски;
удаление головы, плавников, хвоста.
11.Признаки доброкачественности куриного мяса
упругая консистенция,
дряблая консистенция,
цвет от светло-красного до темно-красного,
цвет жёлто-розовый,
липкая скользкая поверхность
кожа трудно оттягивается от мяса
поверхность влажная скользкая.
12.Выберете заправочные супы
а) щи зеленые
б) харчо
в) бульон с гренками
г) гороховый суп на мясном бульоне
д) борщ
е) суп-пюре из рыбы
13.Правила составления меню обеда:
При сервировке стола к обеду (нож с вилкой) вилку кладут:
справа от тарелки зубцами вверх;
слева от тарелки зубцами вверх;
справа от тарелки зубцами вниз.
Yesterday I woke up at seven and as always got up once. I began my day with my morning exercises. It took me half an hour to do them. Then I took a shower and shaved, dressed and did my hair. After that I had breakfast. Then I took my dog out for a short time. I left the house at nine o'clock and walked to the underground station. It took me twenty minutes to get to the office by underground. Work began at half past nine. I looked through the morning mail and answered the letters and faxes. Then I discussed various problems with my colleagues. Our lunch broke at one, and we all went to the canteen. I had a light lunch, so it didn't take long, and I had enough time to have a smoke and talk to my friends before work began again. A lot of people rang me in the afternoon, and my secretary often asked me to answer the calls. That kept me busy till half past four, when I had a tea break. After that I held a short meeting with my colleagues, and we discussed our plans for the next day. I finished work at six, and a friend drove me to the park, where we had a game of tennis. I'm quite good at tennis, so I taught him to play. We went home together because we live near each other. that was my yesterday.
Yesterday I woke up at seven and as always got up once. I began my day with my morning exercises. It took me half an hour to do them. Then I took a shower and shaved, dressed and did my hair. After that I had breakfast. Then I took my dog out for a short time. I left the house at nine o'clock and walked to the underground station. It took me twenty minutes to get to the office by underground. Work began at half past nine. I looked through the morning mail and answered the letters and faxes. Then I discussed various problems with my colleagues. Our lunch broke at one, and we all went to the canteen. I had a light lunch, so it didn't take long, and I had enough time to have a smoke and talk to my friends before work began again. A lot of people rang me in the afternoon, and my secretary often asked me to answer the calls. That kept me busy till half past four, when I had a tea break. After that I held a short meeting with my colleagues, and we discussed our plans for the next day. I finished work at six, and a friend drove me to the park, where we had a game of tennis. I'm quite good at tennis, so I taught him to play. We went home together because we live near each other. that was my yesterday.