10.Найдите ускорение свободного падения на Луне (в м/с2).
Оформите задачу, покажите вычисление результата.
11. Лунные затмения возникают, когда...1) Солнце заслоняет собой Луну от Земли 2) Луна оказывается между Солнцем и Землей 3) Земля оказывается между Солнцем и Луной
12. Выбрать правильный ответ:Возраст наблюдаемой Вселенной... 1) составляет около 4 млрд лет 2) составляет около 14 млрд лет 3) составляет около 40 млрд лет 4) определить нельзя
He has answered every question correctly since the beginning of the tournament. When he arrived here two days ago, hundreds of fans were waiting at the station to welcome him. Since his arrival he has been reading encyclopedias in his hotel bedroom. If things go well for him, he will become the first prize winner. He will have to reply to seventeen thousand questions tomorrow with even no meal breaks.
He has answered every question correctly since the beginning of the tournament. When he arrived here two days ago, hundreds of fans were waiting at the station to welcome him. Since his arrival he has been reading encyclopedias in his hotel bedroom. If things go well for him, he will become the first prize winner. He will have to reply to seventeen thousand questions tomorrow with even no meal breaks.