545 ответьте на вопросы.
«Тонкие» вопросы
«Толстые» вопросы
1. Какой народ жил в «граде
богатом » ?
1. Почему люди жили счаст-
ливо в этом городе?
2. Как встречал гостей народ?
2. Что любили люди этого
3. Какое чувство стало
съедать людские сердца?
3. Почему люди «другой
стороны» решили напасть
на город?
4. Как поступили с послами
4. Кого послали жители горо-
да в неприятельский стан?
5. Что делали жители города
весь оставшийся день и всю
5. Что поняли жители
entitled to unemployment benefits, though it does not mean that they all claim them.
than a year.
able to Americans.
there are nearly 7.000 hospitals in the United States, many of them provide some free or
low-cost care to those who cannot pay.
f) Many Germans believe they are entitled not just to a job, but to the right kind of a job.
g) Some people, who are elderly, disabled oi live on low incomes sometime don't claim
the benefits to which they are entitled.
h) Some benefits are no longer available to sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds and this has caused difficulties for young people who cannot live at home, but cannot find a job. i) Child benefit is available to everybody, although many middle-class people do not actually need financial help
j) People do not try hard to get a job because they know that in a Welfare State they will be provided with financial help.