6. У малих групах проведіть дослідження на тему «Речови- ни та суміші, які людина використовує у повсякденному
житті». Укажіть, які з них і з якою метою використовуєте ви
і ваші близькі. Про одну з речовин чи сумішей підготуйте
розповідь. Намагайтеся презентувати одержані результа-
Ти цікаво і яскраво.
1. A Very sick and miserable boy of nine years - Very Unhappy.
2. When I put my hand on his forehead I knew he had a fever. - A high temperature.
3. HE seemed very detached from... - Didn't pay atttention to.
4. He seemed very detached from what was going on. - What was happening aroUnd him.
5. ... he was a little lightheaded... - was not able to think clearly.
6. ...but I can't keep from thinking. - stop myself thinking.
7. He was holding tight on to himself about something. - Trying to keep his emotions tO himself.
Yes, the story had a happy ending. The boy thought that he was going to die. It was because of that he didn't know the difference between the different thermometeres.
The temperature of the boy was 38,9 C.
Соматическая нервная система - часть нервной системы, иннервирующая мышцы тела; обеспечивает сенсорные и моторные функции организма. Эту систему образуют чувствительные нервные волокна, идущие к ЦНС от различных рецепторов, и двигательные нервные волокна, иннервирующие скелетную мускулатуру.