"Who is the real hero?" Upon hearing this question, the first thing that comes to mind is different superheroes from many films and cartoons. But if you think about it, the heroes are not those who fly across the sky, keeping the world from catastrophes and protection from evil heroes; but ordinary people who surround us. These people live in the same world as we do and do not have any superpowers, but they can really be called heroes. So is this a real hero? I think that if a person strives with all his being to help the world around him, then he is a hero. It is not necessary to perform feats, such as: throwing yourself into a raging river to save a drowning man if you cannot swim; or rush into a house blazing with flames to save someone, if you do not know the basic rules when a fire occurs. Even removing a katёnka from a tree for an elderly old woman is a feat in itself. That is, your knocking, decision, feats should be commensurate with your capabilities. I can safely call the volunteers heroes. These are people who, sacrificing the most precious things - with their own strength and time, day and night, help people in trouble. They do a lot: they look for missing children, clean up the city from garbage, help children from orphanages and much more.
So is this a real hero? I think that if a person strives with all his being to help the world around him, then he is a hero. It is not necessary to perform feats, such as: throwing yourself into a raging river to save a drowning man if you cannot swim; or rush into a house blazing with flames to save someone, if you do not know the basic rules when a fire occurs. Even removing a katёnka from a tree for an elderly old woman is a feat in itself. That is, your knocking, decision, feats should be commensurate with your capabilities.
I can safely call the volunteers heroes. These are people who, sacrificing the most precious things - with their own strength and time, day and night, help people in trouble. They do a lot: they look for missing children, clean up the city from garbage, help children from orphanages and much more.
1. Первобытное искусство зародилось в период
позднего палеолита
2. Петроглифы – это
наскальные рисунки
3. Основным объектом рисунков древнего художника были
4. Один из наиболее древних и ярких памятников наскального искусства Семиречья
петроглифы Тамгалы
5. Первые сведения о петроглифах Семиречья были собраны
6. Петроглифы в северо-восточном Прикаспии древний художник выполнял на
7. Около 8-10 тысяч петроглифов обнаружили археологи в Кызылординской области