Matnlarni o‘qing. Aniq otlarni daftaringizga Otlar aniq va mavhum bo‘ladi. Aniq otlar biz ko‘ra va seza oladigan narsa-buyumlarni bildiradi. Ular birlik va ko‘plik sonda keladi. Masalan: shahar — shahar- lar, bino — binolar kabi. Mavhum otlar his-tuyg‘ular, shaxs-narsaga xos bеlgi nomlarini bildiradi. Masalan: vijdon, mеhr, ishonch, saxiylik kabi.
ko‘chirib yozing.
Men G‘ijduvon shahridanman. shahrimiz tuman markazi hisoblanadi. shahrimizda katta do‘konlar, shifoxonalar va maktablar bor. Bu yеrda har yili qurilishlar, obodonchilik ishlari olib boriladi. Bu yil shahrimizda katta qo‘shma korxona qurildi. Мaktabimiz qayta ta’mirlandi.
Men qishloqda yashayman. Bizning qishlog‘imiz tog‘ etagida joylashgan. Uning tabiati chiroyli, havosi toza. Qishlog‘imizdan katta soy ham o‘tadi. Qishlog‘imiz atrofida oromgohlar ko‘p.
You can find lot's of interesting places here.
London has lot's of museums. One of the most famous museum is of course the museum of Madame Tussaud. It displays a great collection of replicas of famous people.
You could find different old castles, temples And monuments here.
London is the financial And business center of Great Britan. London's West End is famous for it's great range of theatres, tourists attractions, shopping And entertainment centers.
Londoners are quit, reserved And unfriendly. They don't say hello to their babies, And some of them would not even recognise their naibours in the street. It is difficult to find friends here.
Most Londoners are focused, And aren't afraid of work-they know What they want And how to get it.
You can find lot's of interesting places here.
London has lot's of museums. One of the most famous museum is of course the museum of Madame Tussaud. It displays a great collection of replicas of famous people.
You could find different old castles, temples And monuments here.
London is the financial And business center of Great Britan. London's West End is famous for it's great range of theatres, tourists attractions, shopping And entertainment centers.
Londoners are quit, reserved And unfriendly. They don't say hello to their babies, And some of them would not even recognise their naibours in the street. It is difficult to find friends here.
Most Londoners are focused, And aren't afraid of work-they know What they want And how to get it.