На берегах каких рек возникла первая в истории-цивилизания-цивилизация древнего двуречье 1)нил2)ганг3)инд4)тигр5)сырдарья6)яйнцы7)хуанхэ8)евфрат9)амударья?
se definite article “the” with geographical names. 1. What's___________ longest river in ________ world? Is it______ Amazon or ______. Nile? I'm terrible at ____________ Geography. 2. What's___________ longest river in ________ world? Is it______ Amazon or ______. Nile? I'm terrible at ____________ Geography. 3. Burt loves islands. He has been to _________ Cuba,_________ Bali, _________ Bahamas, _____ Philippines. And ______ next year, he wants to go to __________ Madagascar. 4. __ British Prime Minister lives in _______ Downing Street 10 and goes to work by______car. 5. The capital
Местоимения в английском языке меняются в объектном падеже следующим образом: I - me, you - you, he - him, she - her, they - them, we - us. Таким образом:
1. I like him. 2. We like her. 3. He likes it. 4. Can you show the pictures to him? 5. You can tell her my e-mail address. 6. Are you interested in it? 7. I want to buy two bottles of milk for her. 8. Do you want to play tennis with him? 9. We must speak to him. 10. You should invite them to your house for dinner. 11. Do you know her? 12. Tell him about your plan. 13. I see them every day.
1. I like him. 2. We like her. 3. He likes it. 4. Can you show the pictures to him? 5. You can tell her my e-mail address. 6. Are you interested in it? 7. I want to buy two bottles of milk for her. 8. Do you want to play tennis with him? 9. We must speak to him. 10. You should invite them to your house for dinner. 11. Do you know her? 12. Tell him about your plan. 13. I see them every day.