По данным Федеральной службы государственной статистики, в 2016 г. структура денежных доходов россиян выглядела следующим образом: •оплата труда 64,7%;
•социальные выплаты 19,2%
•доходы от предпринимательской деятельности - 7,8%,
•доходы от собственности-6,3%; •другие доходы 2,0%
•Проанализируйте структуру и источники денежных доходов
There lived a certain man from Snezhnaya long ago
He was big and strong in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
(but to snezhnayan chicks he was such a lovely dear)
He could preach the bible like a preacher
Full of ecstasy and fire
But he was also the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Lover of Snezhnayan queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Snezhnayas greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
1.Puella matrem et patrem.
2. Pax est, et florens in hoc Statu.
3. Salus
populus - in pacem et libertatem.
4. Non semper bellator habet praemium virtus.
5. Amicus meus-genus est et pulchra.
6. Haec puellae sunt sorores.
7. Frater meus operatur multum.
8. Nos
nos discere Latin.
9. Bella sunt pugnavit contra inimicos.
10. Homo diligit libertatem.
11. A temerarium equitis videri potuit per flumen.
12. Puella erat cantu.
13. Color et flore per flumen.
14. Patrem meum vidi speciosam arborem.
15. Multitudo urbis vivit in pace et bene esse.