Объяснение:Место образования гормонов половых желез Тестостерон, мужской половой гормон, образуется в интерстициальной ткани семенников, или в пубертатной железе. В данной железе образуется и некоторое количество эстрогена. В образовании андрогенов принимает участие эпителий семяобразующих трубочек. В небольшом количестве андрогены вырабатываются у женщин – в яичниках, и у мужчин и женщин - в коре надпочечников. Эстрогены, женские половые гормоны: эстриол, эстрон, эстрадиол, синтезируются в зернистом слое и внутренней оболочке фолликулов и граафовых пузырьков. Во время беременности половые гормоны вырабатывает плацента. В небольших количествах гормоны синтезируются клетками Сертоли семенников.
A little girl lives in the village, beloved by her mother and grandmother, who sewed her a red hat. Once Red Riding Hood carried her grandmother hotels (pies, a pot of fresh oil) and met a wolf. Finding out where the girl was heading, he was the first to run to his grandmother, sit down an old woman, change into her clothes and get into a bed. Appearing in her grandmother's house, Red Riding Hood put a basket on the table and went to the bed. Drawing attention to the unusual appearance of her grandmother, she asked why she had such large hands (she received the answer: "to hug"), ears (to hear better), eyes (to see better)... The last question - about teeth - turned out to be fatal: after the answer "to sit down," the wolf ate the girl. His growls were heard by woodcuts who ran into the house and killed the wolf. Grandmother and Red Riding Hood climbed out of his belly. They buried a wolf in the forest and invited woodcuts to tea and butter cakes.
Объяснение:Место образования гормонов половых желез Тестостерон, мужской половой гормон, образуется в интерстициальной ткани семенников, или в пубертатной железе. В данной железе образуется и некоторое количество эстрогена. В образовании андрогенов принимает участие эпителий семяобразующих трубочек. В небольшом количестве андрогены вырабатываются у женщин – в яичниках, и у мужчин и женщин - в коре надпочечников. Эстрогены, женские половые гормоны: эстриол, эстрон, эстрадиол, синтезируются в зернистом слое и внутренней оболочке фолликулов и граафовых пузырьков. Во время беременности половые гормоны вырабатывает плацента. В небольших количествах гормоны синтезируются клетками Сертоли семенников.
A little girl lives in the village, beloved by her mother and grandmother, who sewed her a red hat. Once Red Riding Hood carried her grandmother hotels (pies, a pot of fresh oil) and met a wolf. Finding out where the girl was heading, he was the first to run to his grandmother, sit down an old woman, change into her clothes and get into a bed. Appearing in her grandmother's house, Red Riding Hood put a basket on the table and went to the bed. Drawing attention to the unusual appearance of her grandmother, she asked why she had such large hands (she received the answer: "to hug"), ears (to hear better), eyes (to see better)... The last question - about teeth - turned out to be fatal: after the answer "to sit down," the wolf ate the girl. His growls were heard by woodcuts who ran into the house and killed the wolf. Grandmother and Red Riding Hood climbed out of his belly. They buried a wolf in the forest and invited woodcuts to tea and butter cakes.