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27.08.2021 09:20 •  Другие предметы

с решением задания по Стилистике. Point out figures of combination and define their stylistic function(s):
1. A fog rose over the valley, she saw it marching like an army of ghosts (K.A.Porter).
2. She had beautiful long white hands with skin as smooth as the breast of a dove (G.Atherton).
3. “Mr. Witte’s method of paying off debts would be a form of feeding a dog with bits of its own tail” (Nesfield).
4. His strangely taut, full-width grin made his large teeth resemble a dazzling miniature piano keyboard in the green light (J.Jones).
5. There is Mr. Guppy, who was at first as open as the sun at noon, but who suddenly shut up as close midnight (Ch.Dickens).
6. According to Maggie, Lena was not in love. She was suffering from an obsession, an infatuation. It wasn’t healthy for someone who was twenty-six to develop this kind of crush on a man who didn’t return it and wasn’t even aware of it. And however unwise it might have been to have allowed a temporary fascination to take over, it was positively dangerous to let it continue the way Lena had (M.Binchy).
7. Finally I wrote my grandmother about it. Her answer came quick and sharp (M.Twain).
8. He’s a proud, haughty, consequential, turned-nosed peacock (Ch.Dickens).
9. He was an actor and a clever one, but he was difficult to suit and so was often out of work. He was about thirty, a man with pleasantly ugly face and a clipped way of speaking that made what he said sound funny (W.S.Maugham).
10. Sprinting towards the elevator he felt amazed at his own cowardly courage (G.Markey).
11. He caught a ride home to the crowded loneliness of the barracks (J.Jones).
12. He was sure the whites could not detect his adoring hatred of them (R.Write).
13. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going the other way (Ch.Dickens).
14. At a sign from him, Nelson knew, that, notwithstanding his love, his tenderness, his sympathy, his generosity, she would leave him without a moment’s hesitation (W.S.Maugham).
15. I am sorry, I am so very sorry, I am so extremely sorry (G.K.Chesterton).
16. She stopped being twenty-six and became twenty-seven, and twenty-eight and twenty-nine. Soon she would be thirty years of age, and what had she to show for it? (M.Binchy)
17. I was well inclined to him before I saw him. I liked him when I did see him; I admire him now (Ch. Bronte).
18. Jupiter was an anomaly. His retrieving instincts and his high spirits were out of place in Shady Hill. He was as black as coal, with a long, alert, intelligent, rakehell face. His eyes gleamed with mischief, and he held his head high. It was the fierce, heavily collared dog’s head that appears in heraldry, in tapestry, and that used to appear on umbrella handles and walking sticks (J. Cheever).
19. No tree, no shrub, no blade of grass that was not owned (J. Galsworthy).
20. This was appalling – and soon forgotten (J.Galsworthy).
21. “Be careful,” said Mr.Jingle. “Not a look.” “Not a wink,” said Mr. Tupman. “Not a syllable. Not a whisper’ (Dickens).
22. Women have a wonderful instinct about things. They can discover everything except the obvious (O.Wilde).
23. He took his hat and his leave (Ch.Dickens).
24. A cynic was standing in front of an exhibition of modern picture labeled “Art objects”.
“Well“, he announced to the attendant in charge, “I should think Art would object, and I can’t say that I blame it.”
25. – Did you hit a woman with a child?
– No, sir, I hit her with a brick (Th.Smith).
26. – I’ve spent last summer in a very pretty city of Switzerland.
– Berne?
– No, I almost froze.
27. There is only one brand of tobacco allowed here – “Three nuns”. None today, none tomorrow, and none the day after (Br.Behan).
28. – Is life worth living?
– It depends on the liver.

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12.11.2020 03:20
Отзыв на устное сочинение (Г. Нисского «Февраль. Подмосковье»).

В своём сочинении автор красочно и реалистично описал картину Г. Нисского «Февраль. Подмосковье.». Тема сочинения в основном раскрыта. Работа характеризуется своей эмоциональностью. Однако, встречаются повторы одних и тех же мыслей. На мой взгляд, в тексте не хватает описания линии горизонта и снежных гор.

Работа выполнена в художественном стиле. Имеет хорошее, грамотное вступление и заключение. Тип речи-описание. Автор использовал большое количество прилагательных, что помогло описанию картины стать более  реалистичным.
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12.11.2020 03:20
Прекрасны леса в белом убранстве, горы с лавиноопасными спусками, реки замершие, заливные луга под снегом. Но по своему красива зима в окрестностях города. На картине «Февраль. Подмосковье» автор с любовью и большим мастерством изобразил зиму в городских окрестностях. Эту работу написал маслом на холсте Григорий Григорьевич Нисский в 1957 году, в феврале.

На картине мы видим, как зима не спеша уступает место весне. Вглядываясь в этот пейзаж зритель понимает, и даже чувствует, что снег уже не зимний, и морозы большие ушли на север, и на небе рядом со свинцовыми тучами небо окрасилось в теплый розовый цвет. Судя по тому во что одеты люди становится понятно, что стоит теплая для зимы погода, но еще не зазвенела капель, не запели ручьи, не превратилась в кашу снежная постель. Природа и люди словно притихли в ожидании чудесного пробуждения. Только стук колес движущегося поезда нарушает тишину. Длинные тени, изображенные художником передают нам ощущение конца рабочего дня и соответственно наше настроение невольно становится домашним.

Автор изобразил молодую энергичную девушку, которая в одиночестве совершает прощальный забег по слежавшемуся, уже влажному и тяжелому снегу. Наверное она очень любит зиму. Куда- то спешат машины, похожие на жучков. Дорога чистая, не скользкая и это радует, ведь по заледенелой дороге ездить смертельно опасно, и все путники благополучно приедут домой.

Все обыденно на полотне, и асфальтная дорога, и часовенка, обнесенная незамысловатым забором, и еловый лес не похож на захватывающе красивые буреломы и дебри работ Шишкина. Но человеку греет душу эта неброская, не яркая, а очень мягкая красота. И хочется верить, что не смотря ни на что, впереди весна, и принесет она нам только хорошее, а сами мы станем лучше, чище и добрее.
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