Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 4
You are going to listen to the recording about FASHION. Your task is to fill in the gaps. Write no more than THREE WORDS!
Follow the link to listen to the recording
Have you ever thought how strange fashion is? People tell us what clothes 1. That is 2. Fashion stores tell us what is “in” this summer or this winter. People then buy the same clothes and look like everyone else because they want to feel 3 . The thing is that, fashion is about being 4 , but then we all wear clothes that are the same as everyone else’s! 5 fashion is expensive these days. Everyone is into brand fashion. Have you seen how much the most fashionable 6 _
Total [6]
You are what you eat
The food pyramid is a guide for planning a healthy diet. If you eat the recommended portions of each food group every day, you will get all the nutrients you need and you will have enough calories to keep you healthy.
Carbohydrates make up the biggest part of the pyramid. Nutritionists recommend that 60-65% of the food we eat every day should be made up of carbohydrates. They provide vitamin B, minerals and fibre. Foods in this group include bread, cereal, rice and pasta.
Fruits and vegetables also contain carbohydrates and are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. We should eat between 3-5 portions of fruit and of vegetables each day.
Protein is important but should be eaten in moderation. We can find it in dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt. These foods also contain calcium and vitamins. We should choose dairy products with lower levels of fat and only eat 1-2 portions per day.
Meat, fish, beans and eggs contain the most protein. Proteins, which come from animals, are called ‘complete proteins’ as they contain essential amino acids.
Fats, oils and sweets are at the top of the pyramid: this means that we should not eat them too much. Remember that fats are contained in other food groups too. But not all fats are bad. Saturated fats like butter should not be eaten too often, but unsaturated fats like olive oil are good for us in moderation.
Task 2
Mark the statements True or False
1 It is important to eat a variety of foods.
2 The food group you should eat most is carbohydrates.
_ 3 Bread contains vitamins and minerals.
4 Cheese contains a lot of carbohydrates. _
5 All fatty foods are bad for us.
6.Fats are contained in other food groups
Write 4-5 sentences about previous school meal, answering the following questions and using the model sentences. Combine them into paragraph.
Learners answer the questions using used to grammatical form, then they share their sentences in pairs.
1. What did you use to eat when you were younger? Or in your kindergarten? Or in your primary school?
2. Did you use to have breakfast at home or at school? 3. Did you like your old school lunch? Why?
4. Which school has a healthier diet?
Model sentences
When I was younger, I used to eat…. . I used to have …….for breakfast.
I used to have ………….for lunch.
I used to eat more/less…….. in my old school.
My present school meals are (healthier, unhealthier) because they are high/low in…….. .
Total [6]
Work in pairs. Answer the questions giving arguments and compare which countries have a healthier diet.
1.What country has the healthiest food?
2.Do other countries follow the food pyramid rules?
3.In what country can food be fuel and pleasure?
4.Do you think that your school lunch is healthier than in other countries?
5.What consequences can be of unhealthy eating?
6.What food in Kazakhstan traditionally eat?
Total [6]
Total marks _/24
Именем Ломоносова названы:
Учреждения науки, образования и культуры:
Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова
Музей М.В. Ломоносова Российской Академии Наук
Московская государственная академия тонкой химической технологии им. М. В. Ломоносова
Архангельский театр драмы имени М. В. Ломоносова
Поморский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова
Архангельский городской лицей имени М. В. Ломоносова
Гимназия Ломоносова в Риге
Лицей им. М. В. Ломоносова в Йошкар-Оле
Самарская средняя школа № 6 им. М. В. Ломоносова
Гимназия № 73 «Ломоносовская гимназия» в Санкт-Петербурге
Гимназия № 1530 «Школа Ломоносова» в Москве
Национальный горный университет им. М. В. Ломоносова в Днепропетровске
Ломоносовская школа
Ленинградский фарфоровый завод имени М. В. Ломоносова — Ломоносовский фарфоровый завод /ЛФЗ/ (1925—2005 гг.)
Географические объекты:
Хребет Ломоносова
Полуостров Ломоносова
Кратер Ломоносов на Луне
Мост Ломоносова через Фонтанку. Санкт-Петербург
Населенные пункты, улицы, площади, станции метро, мосты:
Город Ломоносов в составе Петродворцового района Санкт-Петербурга
Ломоносово (Денисовка и Мишанинская) — село в Холмогорском районе Архангельской области, на острове Куростров, на реке Северная Двина, родина М. В. Ломоносова
Есть много праздников общих для людей во всем мире. Один из них известен под названием Масленица в России, День блинов в Англии, Марди Грас или жирный вторник в США. Праздник религиозный по происхождению: люди едят богатую, жирную пищи, прежде чем поститься в течение многих дней, во время Великого поста.
Useful words and phrases — Полезные слова и фразы
I think, — Я думаю,
I guess, — Я полагаю,
Right you are. — Ты прав.
Good. — Хорошо.
No, I don’t think so. — Нет, я так не думаю.
Sorry, you are wrong. — К сожалению, ты не прав.
I’m afraid you are wrong. — Боюсь, что ты не прав.
That’s not right, I’m afraid. — Это не так, я боюсь.