I think it is very difficult to choose a job because it is one of the most important decisions that you make in your life. When you finish school you must have a clear idea of what you want to do in future and what job you want to get. You must know that some of the occupations are already overcrowded. Also you must think how your job can make the best use of your personal talents. You must know your own interests and talents. It is important also to ask yourself: - do you like dealing with people; - do you like to work in the office ; - do you enjoy solving problems; - do you enjoy working with your hands; - do you enjoy being creative. You must also remember that you should learn English if you want to get a good job. English is the most widely spoken language in the world. You will be able to communicate with other people from other countries, f.ex. business clients. Many books and information are written in English now. If we do not learn English, then it means you are keeping away from half of the world’s knowledge. As for me, I have made up my mind to be an lawyer I like studying law. I like dealing with people and thinking about problems. I enjoy helping people.
1) от площади. Чем больше площадь, тем испарение больше.
от наличия ветра. Если ветер есть, то испарение происходит быстрее
от рода вещества и от температуры жидкости. чем больше температура, тем быстрее
2) Кипение возникает при постоянной температуре и давлении, парообразование происходит по всему объему жидкости.
3) Кипение возникает только при определенной температуре.А испарение происходит при любой температуре. Для каждой жидкости и для каждого давления оно своё.
4. Наоборот, ощущается. Т.к. выходя из воды капельки воды, которые остаются на теле испаряются. И при испарении тепло забирают.
5. Все.
6. Вещества, которые при обычных условиях улетучиваются(испаряются)
I think it is very difficult to choose a job because it is one of the most important decisions that you make in your life. When you finish school you must have a clear idea of what you want to do in future and what job you want to get. You must know that some of the occupations are already overcrowded. Also you must think how your job can make the best use of your personal talents. You must know your own interests and talents. It is important also to ask yourself: - do you like dealing with people; - do you like to work in the office ; - do you enjoy solving problems; - do you enjoy working with your hands; - do you enjoy being creative. You must also remember that you should learn English if you want to get a good job. English is the most widely spoken language in the world. You will be able to communicate with other people from other countries, f.ex. business clients. Many books and information are written in English now. If we do not learn English, then it means you are keeping away from half of the world’s knowledge. As for me, I have made up my mind to be an lawyer I like studying law. I like dealing with people and thinking about problems. I enjoy helping people.
1) от площади. Чем больше площадь, тем испарение больше.
от наличия ветра. Если ветер есть, то испарение происходит быстрее
от рода вещества и от температуры жидкости. чем больше температура, тем быстрее
2) Кипение возникает при постоянной температуре и давлении, парообразование происходит по всему объему жидкости.
3) Кипение возникает только при определенной температуре.А испарение происходит при любой температуре. Для каждой жидкости и для каждого давления оно своё.
4. Наоборот, ощущается. Т.к. выходя из воды капельки воды, которые остаются на теле испаряются. И при испарении тепло забирают.
5. Все.
6. Вещества, которые при обычных условиях улетучиваются(испаряются)