1. Have you aIready been in the shop? - Have you been in the shop yet
2. Yes, I was. - Yes, T have.
3. You boughl everything?- Did you buy everything?
4. Yes,- Yes, I did.
5. And what you did after school? - And what did you do after school?
6. I watched a film from 4 to 6. -T was watching a film from 4 to 6.
7. Wlnle I watched it, my grandma phoned me. - While I was watching it, my grandma phoned me.
Правильный диалог:
- Have vou been in the shop vet?
- Yes, I have.
- Did you buy everything?
- Yes, 1 did.
- And what did you do after school?
- I was watching a film from 4 to 6.
- While I was watching it my grandma phoned me.
2. Yes, I was. - Yes, T have.
3. You boughl everything?- Did you buy everything?
4. Yes,- Yes, I did.
5. And what you did after school? - And what did you do after school?
6. I watched a film from 4 to 6. -T was watching a film from 4 to 6.
7. Wlnle I watched it, my grandma phoned me. - While I was watching it, my grandma phoned me.
Правильный диалог:
- Have vou been in the shop vet?
- Yes, I have.
- Did you buy everything?
- Yes, 1 did.
- And what did you do after school?
- I was watching a film from 4 to 6.
- While I was watching it my grandma phoned me.