Insonda yahshi fazilatlar bo'lsa, ularni barcha yahshi ko'radi va hurmat qiladi. Avvalo insonda birinchi o'rinda insoniy fazilat bu o'zidan katta insonlarga salom berishdan boshlanadi, ya'ni o'zida katta insonlarni hurmat qilib ularni parvarishlash. Insoniy fazilatlar juda ham ko'p, ularning sanog'i yo'q. Ota onani aytganlarini qilib ularni hursand qilish, yaqin insonlaringizga qiyin paytida yordam berib ularni qo'llab quvvatlash, bu o'tginchi dunyoda hammaga faqat yahshilik qilish, shularning barchasi insoniylik fazilatlari deb ataladi. Shuning uchun azizlar bu dunyoda barchaga faqat va faqat yahshilik qiling!
Mana shunday deb yozsangiz bo'ladi. Вот так можно написать
The flag of Great Britain is not so simple. It has a very important meaning, because it symbolizes the union of the countries. All of them together create the United Kingdom. It has many names, but the most common one is the Union Jack. Nowadays, the flag is very popular all over the world. You can find its print on the very different things, for example on the souvenirs, cups, bags, clothes, shoes, whatever!
Another thing, which attracts a big number of tourists is the special political system, which exists in this country, as you know, in Great Britain there is a queen – Elizabeth II. The political system is called the constitutional monarchy. In addition, there is another special feature of this state – it does not have such a document as the constitution, instead of it exists a very special set of rules, which every citizen of Great Britain should follow. The parliament in the country consists of three parts. It is the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Insonda yahshi fazilatlar bo'lsa, ularni barcha yahshi ko'radi va hurmat qiladi. Avvalo insonda birinchi o'rinda insoniy fazilat bu o'zidan katta insonlarga salom berishdan boshlanadi, ya'ni o'zida katta insonlarni hurmat qilib ularni parvarishlash. Insoniy fazilatlar juda ham ko'p, ularning sanog'i yo'q. Ota onani aytganlarini qilib ularni hursand qilish, yaqin insonlaringizga qiyin paytida yordam berib ularni qo'llab quvvatlash, bu o'tginchi dunyoda hammaga faqat yahshilik qilish, shularning barchasi insoniylik fazilatlari deb ataladi. Shuning uchun azizlar bu dunyoda barchaga faqat va faqat yahshilik qiling!
Mana shunday deb yozsangiz bo'ladi. Вот так можно написать
The flag of Great Britain is not so simple. It has a very important meaning, because it symbolizes the union of the countries. All of them together create the United Kingdom. It has many names, but the most common one is the Union Jack. Nowadays, the flag is very popular all over the world. You can find its print on the very different things, for example on the souvenirs, cups, bags, clothes, shoes, whatever!
Another thing, which attracts a big number of tourists is the special political system, which exists in this country, as you know, in Great Britain there is a queen – Elizabeth II. The political system is called the constitutional monarchy. In addition, there is another special feature of this state – it does not have such a document as the constitution, instead of it exists a very special set of rules, which every citizen of Great Britain should follow. The parliament in the country consists of three parts. It is the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.